
Released on: 22/Sep/09

2.6-export.0 announcement

The 2.6-export.0 release of uPortal is targeted at sites currently running uPortal 2.6.X and planning on upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later. This release of uPortal 2.6 includes data export scripts back-ported from the uPortal 3.0 code base which include a large number of fixes that were not easily included into the 2.6 scripts. This release cannot be used to run a uPortal instance, only to export data from a uPortal 2.6 database for upgrading to uPortal 3.0 or later.

Instructions for using this release can be found in the release notes on the wiki: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/2.6-export.0

The release can be downloaded from: http://www.ja-sig.org/downloads/uportal/uPortal_2.6-export.0.tar.gz

-Eric Dalquist

Release Summary

Provides the uPortal 2.6 code base configured for exporting data into a format that can be imported by uPortal 3. This release cannot be used to run a uPortal 2.6 portal.

Unsupported Data

The following data cannot be automatically exported for use in uPortal 3:

  • Aggregated Layout Manager (ALM) fragments


  1. Download and extract the release
  2. Configure the uPortal-2.6-export.0 project as your current uPortal 2.6.x project is configured. This generally includes the following files:
    1. properties/rdbm.properties
    2. properties/ldap.properties or properties/ldap.xml if LDAP is used
    3. properties/dlm.xml
    4. properties/groups/*
    5. properties/personDirectory.xml or properties/PersonDirs.xml
    6. properties/portal.properties
  3. Run the command ant -f import-export.xml export -Ddir=exportDataDir -Dtype=all

The export task will compile the uPortal code, connect to the portal database configured in rdbm.properties and export all portal data. The exported data will be in such a format that uPortal 3.0 is the minimum compatible version to import the data into.