01. Starting HSQL


Both the quick-start and uPortal only distributions come pre-configured such that the HypersonicSQL is used as the default database. The quick-start distribution includes a copy of the database and you may with to initially deploy using HSQLDB if you have downloaded the uPortal only release as well. You will need to download a copy of the database following the instructions on the HypersonicSQL page.

Running HSQLDB:

Got to the directory where HSQLDB was downloaded and deployed and run the class org.hsqldb.Server with arguments -port 8887 -database uPortalDb

the uPortalDB string must match the database name as defined in the rdbm.properties file


Starting HSQLDB with Ant

The following code can be copied either to the HSQLDB directory as a file called build.xml:

<project name="HSQLStart" default="hsql" basedir=".">
<property environment="env"/>
  The "hsql" target starts HSQL

<target name="hsql">
   <echo message="Starting HSQL"/>
   <echo message="Using: ${basedir}/data/${dbName}_uPortal"/>

   <java fork="true" maxmemory="256M" dir="${basedir}" classname="org.hsqldb.Server">
         <pathelement path="${basedir}/lib/hsqldb.jar"/>
      <arg value="-database"/>
      <arg value="${basedir}/data/${dbName}_uPortal"/>
      <arg value="-port"/>
      <arg value="8887"/>
  The "help" target prints a help message
<target name="help">
   <echo message="ant hsql -DdbName={HSQLDatabaseName}"/>
   <echo message="Known databases:"/>


From the HSQLDB directory run :

'ant hsql -DdbName=UP3'

See note above regarding the database name: