00 Where do I put my RBDMS driver .jar ?

In uPortal 2.6

  1. Put the JDBC driver .jar in the lib/container-common directory of your uPortal build environment
  2. Run ant deploy, which is the uPortal build command that will copy this .jar from that lib/container-common directory to the common directory of your container. Currently the only supported container is Tomcat, and this directory is {tomcat}/common/lib .
  3. Verify that the JDBC driver actually made it to the Tomcat common/lib directory.

If you put the driver in lib/container-shared which publishes it to {tomcat}/shared/lib then it will be "shared" among the web applications but not "common" between the web applications and the Tomcat container, and so Tomcat will struggle to instantiate the DataSources if you declare them as JNDI-published resources via your context descriptor file (typically, uPortal.xml). Now, you don't have to use JNDI, so this configuration can even work, but you will likely save yourself a great deal of trouble if you install the JDBC driver .jar into the common/lib directory rather than the shared/lib directory.

In uPortal 2.5.x and earlier

You will need to put the jdbc driver .jar in the lib directory of your uPortal build environment, update build.properties to adjust the definition of the "jdbcDriver.jar" property, and run ant deploy to get the uportal build to publish the .jar into {tomcat}/common/lib as above.