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CAS Proxying with Classic ASP

This article demonstrates using CAS authentication with classic ASP and then calling a second application via a CAS proxy. You should read the article on the proxy CAS walkthrough Proxy CAS Walkthrough first as it explains how CAS proxying works.

For an example of how to do CAS proxying with ASP.Net, see me other article CAS Proxying with ASP.Net Forms Authentication

Using the code I have sited below, it is really quite simple to call another CAS-enabled application as a proxy after the main (Proxier) CAS application has already authenticated.

The steps for CAS Proxying using the CAS_Authenticator class are as follows:
(for basic CAS Authentication, you only need to do step 1 without including the pgtUrl. It's the inclusion of the pgtUrl prior to calling ServiceValidate that enables CAS proxying.)

  1. From the main (Proxier) application, set the CASpgtUrl property to your application Url that will accept the pgtIou/pgtId pair from CAS and then call the ServiceValidate method for CAS authentication.

    About the pgtUrl

    The pgtUrl MUST be part of the same application as the CAS Proxier AND be on a secure server with a valid RSA or Verisign SSL Certificate

  2. The pgtUrl receives back from CAS the pgtIou/pgtId pair and stores them in an Application variable (e.g. Application(<value of pgtIou>) = <value of pgtId>)

    The use of Application variables

    Application variables MUST be used instead of Session variables. This is because of the extra trip CAS has to make to the pgtUrl. Your application would lose it's session variables otherwise. This is NOT true in basic CAS Authentication so, you will notice through out these examples that I chose to use Application variables instead of Session variables for this reason. Also, note the use of the name of the Application variable being the value of the pgtIou. This is important because the main (Proxier) application will need to retrieve the pgtId sent to the pgtUrl and the only value it will know is the proxyGrantingTicket IOU (pgtIou).

  3. The main (Proxier) application retrieves the pgtId value from the Application variable stored by the pgtUrl and then calls the RequestProxyTicket method passing in the pgtId and the proxy application complete Url.

    The CAS Proxied Application

    The actual proxy application can be any CAS-enabled application that can call proxyValidate on the supplied proxyTicket and it does not have to reside on the same application server like the pgtUrl and main Proxier applications do._

  4. With the "real" proxyTicket in it's grasp, the main (Proxier) application now calls AddProxyArgument as many times as it needs to add the arguments the proxied application will need. At the bare minimum, the proxyTicket itself MUST be added as an argument.

    The Proxy Ticket

    The CAS-enabled proxied application MUST have a proxyTicket in order to send it to CAS in the proxyValidate method. The AddProxyArgument method is used in this case by the main application to add the proxyTicket. Then when you call MakeWebRequest , you specify an http method of GET or POST which would determine whether the proxyTicket was sent in the query string or the form post.

  5. Finally, call the MakeWebRequest method passing in the Url to the CAS-enabled application to be proxied along with the http method (e.g. GET or POST).

    Making an Http Request in ASP

    The MakeWebRequest method is sort of an ASP version of the System.Net.WebClient class in ASP.Net. You can call this method in any ASP page to make an http GET or POST request and receive an html or xml response depending on the request. This method works very well for CAS proxying because we are just going to Response.Write the returned html of the proxied application to the browser.

    The examples I've outlined rely on two classes (source code at the end of this article) that must be included in an include file in order for them to work. The first is a simple string class since ASP doesn't have the very useful StringBuilder that is always available in ASP.Net, I created a vbscript mocked up version called clsString (see below). The second class is the CAS_Authenticator and does all the dirty work, not just for basic CAS authentication with ASP but also supports CAS proxying which is what my examples will demonstrate.

    VBScript Code



    @ Language=VBScript



    Option Explicit


    <!-- #Include File = "../Includes/Public.asp" -->

    <title>Test CAS Proxy Application</title>


    Dim objCAS, serviceUrl
    Dim pgtId
    Dim proxyTicket
    Dim proxyAppUrl

    'Initialize CAS Authenticator Class
    Set objCAS = New CAS_Authenticator

    'Set the CAS URL
    objCAS.CASURL = ""

    'Set the current request page Url as the CAS service name
    serviceUrl = GetRequestUrl()

    If Request.ServerVariables.Item("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
        'Get the pgtId, the proxy callback would have stored this as an application variable
        'with the key name as the pgtIou
        pgtId = Application(objCAS.ProxyGrantingTicketIOU)
        If IsEmpty(pgtId) Then
            Response.Write "No pgtId found, please make sure your pgtUrl is correct!"
            Response.Write "<BR>"
        End If
        'Send off the pgtId as well as the full Url to the CAS-enabled app to be proxied to the
        'RequestProxyTicket method. It will return the "real" proxy ticket to call the proxy with
        proxyAppUrl = ""
        proxyTicket = objCAS.RequestProxyTicket(pgtId, proxyAppUrl)
        If IsEmpty(proxyTicket) Then
            Response.Write "The proxyTicket is Empty! " & objCAS.LastError
            Response.Write "<BR>"
        End If
        'Add arguments to send to proxy, proxyTicket is required as an argument!
        objCAS.AddProxyArgument "proxyTicket", proxyTicket
        'Make a request to the proxy and output the response
        Response.Write "Proxy Response:"
        Response.Write "<BR>"
        Response.Write objCAS.MakeWebRequest(proxyAppUrl, "POST")
        If IsEmpty(Application("UID")) Then
            'Since this application will proxy other CAS-enabled apps, we will request
            'a pgtIou/pgtId pair from CAS by supplying a secure Url to our CAS Callback
            objCAS.CASpgtUrl = ""

            'Validate the URL of this application which will get assigned a ticket
            'unless it fails, in which case exit and explain why it failed
            If Not objCAS.ServiceValidate(serviceUrl) Then
                Response.Write objCAS.LastError
                Response.Write "<BR>"
                Response.Write "Service: " & serviceUrl
            End If

            'Set Application variables
            Application("UID") = objCAS.netID
        End If


                            <FORM action="Default.asp" method=post>
                            <TABLE align=center width="75%">
                            <td valign=top align=left>




    ">Log out of CAS</A>
                            <td valign=top align=left>
                                         The current time is:




                                         <TD> </TD>
                            <td valign=top align=left>
                            <span style="FONT-SIZE: 14px; COLOR: teal; FONT-FAMILY: tahoma">
                                         Welcome <B>




    </B>, you have successfully authenticated with CAS                       </span>
                            <td valign=top align=left>
                            <INPUT type="submit" value="Test Call Proxy" id="btnCallProxy" name="btnCallProxy">


    End If
    Set objCAS = Nothing





    @ Language=VBScript



    Option Explicit


    <!-- #Include File = "../Includes/Public.asp" -->

    <title>CAS Proxy Callback App</title>


    Dim pgtIou, pgtId

    'Get pgtIou in Query String sent from CAS
    pgtIou = Request.QueryString.Item("pgtIou")

    'Get pgtId in Query String sent from CAS
    pgtId = Request.QueryString.Item("pgtId")

    'Check to see if they exist
    If Len(pgtIou) = 0 OR Len(pgtId) = 0 Then
        Response.Write "No pgtIou/pgtId pair supplied!"
    End If

    'Store pgtId in application variable accessable from any page within this application
    Application(pgtIou) = pgtId



    CAS Proxied Application


    @ Language=VBScript



    Option Explicit


    <!-- #Include File = "../Includes/Public.asp" -->

    <title>Test CAS Proxy</title>


    Dim proxyArgKey
    Dim proxyTicket
    Dim objCAS

    'Initialize CAS Authenticator Class
    Set objCAS = New CAS_Authenticator

    'Set the CAS URL, change accordingly
    objCAS.CASURL = ""
    'proxy ticket should be in either the query string or the form post
    proxyTicket = Request.Item("proxyTicket")

    If Not IsEmpty(proxyTicket) Then
        ' validate the proxy application with CAS
        If NOT objCAS.ValidateProxy(proxyTicket) Then
            Response.Write objCAS.LastError
            Response.Write "<BR>"
        End If


                <span style="font-size: 14px;font-family: tahoma;color:teal">
                            Welcome <B><%=objCAS.netID%></B>, you have successfully authenticated with CAS


        'Since this is the proxy application, we will check its arguments it was sent
        'Normally we would know if the arguments were sent in the query string or Form post
        'but for the purposes of this example, we will check both
        If Request.QueryString.Count > 0 Then
            'get arguments from querystring object
            For Each proxyArgKey In Request.QueryString
                Response.Write proxyArgKey & "=" & Request.QueryString.Item(proxyArgKey) & "(query string)"
                Response.Write "<BR>"
            'get arguments from form object
            For Each proxyArgKey In Request.Form
                Response.Write proxyArgKey & "=" & Request.Form.Item(proxyArgKey) & "(form post)"
                Response.Write "<BR>"
        End If

        If Not IsEmpty(objCAS.Proxies) Then
            Response.Write "<BR>"
            Response.Write "CAS Proxies:"
            Response.Write "<BR>"
            Response.Write objCAS.Proxies
            Response.Write "<BR>"
        End If
        Response.Write "No proxyTicket found in either the query string or the form post!"
        Response.Write "<BR>"
    End If
    Set objCAS = Nothing




    ' clsString : A String Class helper to aid in string concatenation
    Class clsString

        Private m_intLength
        Private m_intCounter
        Private m_arrString()

        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            'Dim an array and set position counter
             m_intCounter = 1
             m_intLength = 100
             Redim m_arrString(m_intLength)
        End Sub

        Public Sub Reset
            'Erase current array and recreate
             Erase m_arrString
             Call Class_Initialize()
        End Sub

        Public Property Get Value
             'Use Join function to create final string
             Value = Join(m_arrString,"")
        End Property

        Public Property Get Delim(ByVal delimeter)
             'Use Join function to create final string
             Redim Preserve m_arrString(Limit)
             Delim = Join(m_arrString,delimeter)
        End Property

        Public Property Get Element(ByVal j)
             'Use Join function to create final string
             Element = m_arrString(j)
        End Property

        Public Property Get Limit
             'Use Join function to create final string
             Limit = m_intCounter - 1
        End Property

        Public Sub Add(byval strValue)
            Dim intArrLen
            'Add value to string array
            intArrLen = Ubound(m_arrString)
            If m_intCounter >intArrLen Then _
                Redim Preserve m_arrString(intArrLen + m_intLength)
                m_arrString(m_intCounter) = Cstr(strValue)
                'Increment position counter
                m_intCounter = m_intCounter + 1
        End Sub

        Public Sub RemoveLast(byval intLastIndex)
            'Remove the last intLastIndex elements from string array
            Redim Preserve m_arrString(Limit - intLastIndex)
        End Sub
    End Class

    'Start Public Functions
    'This function is basically an ASP version of the ASP.Net - Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path)
    Public Function GetRequestUrl()
        Dim Port
        Dim Local_Addr
        Dim Path_Info
        Dim Server_Name
        Dim Protocol
        Protocol = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT_SECURE")
        Server_Name = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
        Port = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
        Path_Info = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
        If Port = 80 ORPort = 443 Then
            Port = ""
            Port = ":" & Port
        End If

        Local_Addr = Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")
        If Protocol = ""OR Protocol = "0"Then
            If Local_Addr = ""Then
                Protocol = "http://"
                Protocol = "https://"
            End If
            Protocol = "https://"
        End If
        GetRequestUrl = Protocol & Server_Name & Port & Path_Info
    End Function
    ' End Public Functions:

    CAS Authenticator

    ' CAS_Authenticator : A Class wrapper that encapsulates authentication via CAS
    Class CAS_Authenticator
        'Private Global variables
        Private m_ErrorText
        Private m_CASURL
        Private m_netID
        Private objXML
        Private srvXmlHttp
        Private proxyArgHash
        Private m_pgtUrl
        Private m_pgtId
        Private m_Proxies
        Private queryCollection
        Private Sub Class_Initialize()
            Set proxyArgHash = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

            Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
            'set async for XML Dom
            objXML.async = False
            Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
            Set queryCollection = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        End Sub

        Private Sub Class_Terminate()
            Set objXML = Nothing
            Set srvXMLHttp = Nothing
            Set proxyArgHash = Nothing
            Set queryCollection = Nothing
        End Sub
        Public Sub AddProxyArgument(ByVal name, ByVal value)
            If Not proxyArgHash.Exists(name) Then
               proxyArgHash.Add name,value
            End If
        End Sub
        Public Property Get ProxyGrantingTicketIOU
           ProxyGrantingTicketIOU = Application("pgtIou")
        End Property

        Public Property Get Proxies
            Proxies = m_Proxies
        End Property
        Public Property Get netID
            netID = m_netID
        End Property

        Public Property Get LastError
            LastError = m_ErrorText
        End Property
        Public Property Let CASpgtUrl(ByVal vNewValue)
            m_pgtUrl = vNewValue
        End Property

        Public Property Let CASURL(ByValvNewValue)
            m_CASURL = vNewValue
        End Property
        Public Sub LogOut(ByVal url)
            Response.Redirect m_CASURL & "/logout?url=" & url
        End Sub
        Public Function MakeWebRequest(ByVal requestUrl, ByVal httpMethod)
            On Error Resume Next
            Select Case httpMethod
                Case "GET"
                    'request method is a GET

                    'Check the proxy arguments
                    If proxyArgHash.Count > 0 Then
                       requestUrl = requestUrl & "?"& CollectionToQueryString(proxyArgHash)
                    End If

           "GET", requestUrl, false
                Case "POST"
                    'request method is a POST
           "POST", requestUrl, false
                    srvXmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

                    'Check the proxy arguments
                    If proxyArgHash.Count > 0 Then
                       srvXmlHttp.send CollectionToQueryString(proxyArgHash)
                    End If
                Case Else
                    'Return error
                    m_ErrorText = "Expecting either 'GET' OR 'POST' http method!"
                    MakeWebRequest = Empty
                    Exit Function
            End Select

            If Err <> 0 Then
                m_ErrorText = Err.Description
                MakeWebRequest = Empty
                Exit Function
            End If
            If srvXmlHttp.Status <> 200 Then
               m_ErrorText = srvXmlHttp.Status & " - " & srvXmlHttp.StatusText
               MakeWebRequest = Empty
               Exit Function
            End If
            MakeWebRequest = srvXmlHttp.responseText
        End Function
        Private Function CollectionToQueryString(ByVal srcCollection)
            Dim srcKey
            Dim strCollItems
            Set strCollItems = New clsString
            For Each srcKey in srcCollection.Keys
               strCollItems.Add srcKey & "="& srcCollection.Item(srcKey)
            CollectionToQueryString = Mid(strCollItems.Delim("&"), 2)
            Set strCollItems = Nothing
        End Function

        Private Function CASRequest(ByVal validateurl)
            Dim proxyNodeText
            Dim objCASResponse
            Dim objCASAuthenticationNode
            Dim objCASUser
            Dim objCASProxies
            Dim objCASpgt
            Dim objCASProxy
            Dim objCASproxyTicket
            Dim objProxyList
            Dim htmlResponse
            Dim j

            validateUrl = validateUrl & "?" & CollectionToQueryString(queryCollection)
            htmlResponse = MakeWebRequest(validateUrl, "GET")
            If IsEmpty(htmlResponse) Then
                CASRequest = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            If objXML.LoadXml(htmlResponse) Then

                'Get reference to cas:serviceResponse XML Node
                Set objCASResponse = objXML.getElementsByTagName("cas:serviceResponse")
                If objCASResponse.length = 0 then
                    m_ErrorText = "cas:serviceResponse XML Node is Empty!"
                    CASRequest = False
                    Exit Function
                End If
                Set objCASAuthenticationNode = objCASResponse.item(0).firstChild
                Select Case objCASAuthenticationNode.nodeName
                    Case "cas:authenticationSuccess"
                        'Get CAS user nodeText
                        Set objCASUser = objCASAuthenticationNode.getElementsByTagName("cas:user")
                        If objCASUser.length = 0 then
                            m_ErrorText = "cas:user element NOT present in source CAS XML!"
                            CASRequest = False
                            Exit Function
                        End If
                        m_netID = objCASUser.item(0).nodeTypedValue

                        'Get CAS proxies nodeText
                        Set objCASProxy = objCASAuthenticationNode.getElementsByTagName("cas:proxies")
                        If objCASProxy.length > 0 then
                            Set objProxyList = New clsString
                            Set objCASProxies = objCASProxy.item(0).childNodes
                            For j = 0 To objCASProxies.length - 1
                            m_Proxies = objProxyList.Delim(vbcrlf)
                            Set objProxyList = Nothing
                        End If

                        'Get CAS proxyGT nodeText
                        Set objCASpgt = objCASAuthenticationNode.getElementsByTagName("cas:proxyGrantingTicket")
                        If objCASpgt.length > 0 Then
                           Application("pgtIou") = objCASpgt.item(0).nodeTypedValue
                        End If

                    Case "cas:authenticationFailure"
                        m_ErrorText = objCASAuthenticationNode.nodeTypedValue
                        CASRequest = False
                        Exit Function

                    Case "cas:proxySuccess"
                        'Sample success returned from CAS
                        '<cas:proxySuccess xmlns:cas="">
                        '  <cas:proxyTicket>
                        '      ST-1625-6YBqesAL6ywgfCwOPQYcK72G6ikQIHc6lab-aws-p1
                        '  </cas:proxyTicket>
                        Set objCASproxyTicket = objCASAuthenticationNode.getElementsByTagName("cas:proxyTicket")
                        If objCASproxyTicket.length > 0 Then
                           m_pgtId = objCASproxyTicket.item(0).nodeTypedValue
                        End If

                    Case "cas:proxyFailure"
                        'Sample error returned from CAS
                        '<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas="">
                        '   <cas:proxyFailure code="INVALID_TICKET">
                        '       ticket 'TGT-3053-jqon6B5AIUQ4A6Pb2RlgykerJ99PhUrF0ON-aws-p1' not recognized
                        '  </cas:proxyFailure>

                        m_ErrorText = objCASAuthenticationNode.nodeTypedValue
                        CASRequest = False
                        Exit Function
                    Case Else
                        m_ErrorText = "Undefined CAS error!"
                        CASRequest = False
                        Exit Function

                End Select
                m_ErrorText = "XML Failed to load<XMP>" & htmlResponse & "</XMP>"
                CASRequest = False
                Exit Function
            End If

            'CAS is Authenticated
            CASRequest = True
        End Function
        Public Function ServiceValidate(ByVal serviceUrl)
            Dim tkt
            Dim URLToValidate
            tkt = Request.QueryString.Item("ticket")
            URLToValidate = m_CASURL & "/serviceValidate"

            If IsEmpty(tkt) Then
                'if no ticket in URL then send user to CAS to get one
                'send the user back to CAS
                'set-up to avoid endless loop to CAS
                Response.Redirect m_CASURL & "/login?service="& serviceUrl
                Application("ReturnUrl") = Request.QueryString.Item("ReturnUrl")
                ServiceValidate = True
                Exit Function
            End If                   

            ' Second time (back from CAS) there is a ticket= to validate
            queryCollection.Add"ticket", tkt
            queryCollection.Add "service", serviceUrl

            If NOT IsEmpty(m_pgtUrl) Then
               queryCollection.Add "pgtUrl", m_pgtUrl
            End If

            If NOT CASRequest(URLToValidate) Then
                ServiceValidate = False
                Exit Function
            End If

            ' If there was a problem, leave the message on the screen. Otherwise, return to original page.
            If IsEmpty(m_netID) Then
                m_ErrorText = "CAS returned to this application, but then refused to validate your identity."
                ServiceValidate = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            ServiceValidate = True
        End Function
        Public Function RequestProxyTicket(ByVal pgtId, ByVal proxyAppUrl)
            Dim validateurl

            validateurl = m_CASURL & "/proxy"

            queryCollection.Add "targetService", proxyAppUrl
            queryCollection.Add "pgt", pgtId
            If Not CASRequest(validateurl) Then
                RequestProxyTicket = Empty
                Exit Function
            End If

            RequestProxyTicket = m_pgtId
        End Function
        Public Function ValidateProxy(ByVal proxyTicket)
            Dim validateurl
            ' Validate proxy ticket
            validateurl = m_CASURL & "/proxyValidate"
            queryCollection.Add "ticket", proxyTicket
            queryCollection.Add "service", GetRequestUrl()

            If Not CASRequest(validateurl) Then
                ValidateProxy = False
                Exit Function

            ' If there was a problem, leave the message on the screen. Otherwise, return to original page.
            If IsEmpty(m_netID) Then
                m_ErrorText = "CAS returned to this application, but then refused to validate your identity."
                ValidateProxy = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            ValidateProxy = True
        End Function
    End Class

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