201008 - uPortal Steering Committee

uPortal Documentation Progress

This time of year has always been a bit chaotic due to the start of the fall semester for many of us. But, despite the challenge, we have been solidifying the first half of the documentation of the uPortal 3.2 manual and we are continuing with organizing and creating new content for the next section of the manual; Configuring uPortal. Most of the content that is relevant to the latest release has been transferred over from the previous manuals and reorganization of existing content is being done to make the document as clear as possible.

The participation from the community has been wonderful! I have received feedback and content each week as the call for documentation emails have been sent out on a consistent basis. Thank you to those of you who have participated in the documentation efforts I think it's really starting to reflect in the content. For those of you who don't know what to contribute,  I have included some ideas below that are equally as important and anything you have to offer really does help.

Some ways you can assist with the documentation may include:

  1. Ideas for topics to include in the documentation
  2. Screen shots. Sometimes it's better explained with an image then with words.
  3. Proofreading documentation for grammatical mistakes or misspellings
  4. If you are in the process of installing/configuring uPortal and you experience areas of the documentation that need attention please don't be shy, let us know and we'll try to make it better.
  5. Links to some great references on topics.
  6. Attending the Unconference in October and participate in the Documentation efforts by assisting with writing, editing, or offering further ideas on how to make the manual successful.

If you ever have any questions or concerns about the Documentation, please contact me at mccordl@southwestern.edu

Laura McCord
Southwestern University
uPortal Documentation Coordinator

Portlet ideas

Maybe grouper or BYU update if significant progress has been made