071101 Web Presence Conference Call


  1. Using RSS to maintain list of uPortals/CAS in Production
  2. New logo variants:  Lots more needed; Start of re-branding?
  3. Making pretty web pages with Confluence

Dial-in Number

Dial in: (800) 981-8084
Guest code: 8861483
Date and time: Thu November 1, 2pm EDT

Prospective Attendees

This meeting is open. Please indicate here that you are planning to join us:

  1. Jonathan Markow
  2. Andrew Petro


  1. Andrew merged the Unicon feed of uPortals in production with those on the JA-SIG website and started hosting them on the Unicon website.  Alex enabled an RSS feed for our uPortal page. However, Andrew and I (Jonathan) agreed that the data is best maintained on the JA-SIG site.  We will ask John F.  to update the Hypercontent site with Unicon's information, which is now more current.
  2. We discussed the need for new logos for the use of our Commercial Affiliates and JA-SIG Associates.  Tied to that is the need to do a re-branding and website re-design.  Given a more recent expression of urgency by the JA-SIG board, subsequent to this conference call, we will address these efforts in more detail at the time of the next call.