071101 Web Presence Conference Call
- Using RSS to maintain list of uPortals/CAS in Production
- New logo variants: Lots more needed; Start of re-branding?
- Making pretty web pages with Confluence
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Guest code: 8861483
Date and time: Thu November 1, 2pm EDT
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- Andrew merged the Unicon feed of uPortals in production with those on the JA-SIG website and started hosting them on the Unicon website. Alex enabled an RSS feed for our uPortal page. However, Andrew and I (Jonathan) agreed that the data is best maintained on the JA-SIG site. We will ask John F. to update the Hypercontent site with Unicon's information, which is now more current.
- We discussed the need for new logos for the use of our Commercial Affiliates and JA-SIG Associates. Tied to that is the need to do a re-branding and website re-design. Given a more recent expression of urgency by the JA-SIG board, subsequent to this conference call, we will address these efforts in more detail at the time of the next call.