03 Glassfish (Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_01)

This document explains how to install uPortal 3.0 in Glassfish.

Glassfish is an open source Java EE 5 application server based on Sun's Java System Application Server.

Download Glassfish from here:  https://glassfish.dev.java.net/

Installation of uPortal 3

  1. Create a new domain in Glassfish for uPortal
  2. In your uPortal3 build.properties set the following properties:
    • server.home=<your glassfish installation>/domains/<your new uportal domain>
    • server.base=${server.home}/bin
    • server.webapps=${server.home}/autodeploy
    • extractWars=false
    • webapp.docBase=uPortal
    • webapp.path=/${webapp.docBase}3. From the uPortal source directory run ant deploy-ear
  1. Copy all of the JAR library files from <uportal source>/uportal-ear/target/uPortal/ to <your glassfish installation>/domains/<your new uportal domain>/lib/
  2. Start up your glassfish domain
  3. From the uPortal source directory run ant deploy-war. This will generate a war file and copy it to the glassfish autodeploy directory at which point your glassfish instance will install it.

That's pretty much it for a quick and dirty way to get uPortal up and running.

Portlet deployment is very straightforward.  If your build.properties is as above, then it's actually just a case of running ant deployPortletApp...