uPortal QA and Testing
uPortal QA and Testing
uPortal QA Resources
Automated Builds
There are automatic builds for every version of uPortal since 3.0 setup on Jasig's Bamboo server: https://developer.jasig.org/bamboo/browse/UP
Each version has builds that:
- Trigger on commit and run all tests, as of 4.0 the build also does a full initdb and data-export against an in-memory hsql db
- Nightly build that deploys a new maven snapshot artifact if there has been any changes
- Nightly build that deploys a new maven generated site if there has been any changes
Maven Project Sites
The project sites generated by Bamboo and releases can be found here: http://developer.jasig.org/projects/uportal/ These include useful developer metrics including findbugs, pmd and test coverage reports.
Live Demo Site
A live demo of the uPortal 4.0 maintenance branch is hosted on Jasig's EC2 instance (Request a EC2 Live Build Site). The service is rebuilt from source nightly with a fresh database.
QA Wish List
Additional Automated Tests
- Add MySQL, PostgreSQL, and if legally possible Oracle database installations on the Jasig EC2 instance. Have a successful build of uPortal after a code change trigger a build on EC2 which does an initdb and data-export against each database. Even better would be to find a way to run the unit tests against each database.
- Get approval for Jasig funding of a Windows EC2 instance that would only run for a few hours each week. This instance would include the free version of SQLServer and be used for once a week build initdb and data-export on Windows against SQLServer