Released: 30 September 2015
This version of uPortal is a maintenance/bug-fix release of the 4.2 minor version. It includes 21 bug fixes and enhancements in total, but the primary motivation for this new patch release is updating to the new Java Portlet API 2.1 specification.
Download the release
You can grab the binary releases, including a ready-to-start Quickstart release, from the GitHub release page.
See also
See also the page for this release on the Apereo website.
Security bugs known to affect uPortal 4.2.1
This macro will automatically display publicly visible security bugs tagged as affecting this release in the issue tracker.
See also : Release announcement as posted on uportal-user@ email list.
Human readable release notes
See the GitHub release page for human-readable release notes.
Downloads: https://github.com/Jasig/uPortal/releases/tag/uportal-4.2.1
Maven Project Site: http://developer.jasig.org/projects/uportal/4.2.1/
Issues addressed in uPortal 4.2.1
Bugs known to afflict uPortal 4.2.1
(Note that this is only as good as the affects-version metadata on JIRA issues).