uPortal IRC Logs-2007-12-14

uPortal IRC Logs-2007-12-14

[11:48:00 EST(-0500)] * JASIGLogBot (i=jasigch@jasigch.Princeton.EDU) has joined ##uportal
[12:50:32 EST(-0500)] * awills (n=awills@74-37-166-57.br1.sho.az.frontiernet.net) has joined ##uportal
[14:13:24 EST(-0500)] * michelled (n=team@ has joined ##uportal
[14:14:31 EST(-0500)] * jayshao_ (n=jayshao@wg-198-hill012.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[14:16:57 EST(-0500)] <awills> hey folks...
[14:17:36 EST(-0500)] <awills> i have a handful of terribly minor commits i'd like to make as i work on the upgrade w/ JHU...
[14:17:57 EST(-0500)] <awills> for example, does anyone mind if I add another user-agent string to source\org\jasig\portal\channels\iccdemo\CViewer.java?
[14:18:24 EST(-0500)] <awills> (userAgent.indexOf("Opera/7") >= 0 || (userAgent.indexOf("Opera/8") >= 0))) {
[14:18:52 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> sounds like that should just get moved
[14:18:54 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> removed
[14:19:06 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> browser white lists are never a good thing
[14:20:51 EST(-0500)] <esm> but then no one would have to maintain the list!!!
[14:21:04 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> lol
[14:21:31 EST(-0500)] <awills> what is the iccdemo?
[14:21:58 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> inter-channel communications demo I think
[14:22:04 EST(-0500)] <awills> ic
[14:22:51 EST(-0500)] <esm> "are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
[14:23:07 EST(-0500)] <esm> "I think so Brain, but if they called them Sad Meals, no one would buy them"
[14:23:21 EST(-0500)] <awills> i'm bringing this up b/c, for tiny & simple things like this, i'd like to commit them "NOJIRA" and move on
[14:23:44 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> you probably still should have a jira issue for that
[14:23:48 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it isn't a simple little spelling fix
[14:23:51 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it is a functional fix
[14:23:56 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and while it is just demo code
[14:24:03 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it would/could change functionality
[14:25:10 EST(-0500)] <awills> anyone else want to chime in? or if not...
[14:25:35 EST(-0500)] <esm> fwiw i agree, there should be a jira
[14:25:47 EST(-0500)] <esm> create, commit fix, close
[14:25:53 EST(-0500)] <awills> is it in line w/ the practices of this community just to create a JIRA and commit for something like this?
[14:26:13 EST(-0500)] <esm> well i think its the fact that it is a functionality change
[14:26:53 EST(-0500)] <esm> it takes a little extra time, but the benefits are that everyone "sees" what you have done via Jira
[14:27:08 EST(-0500)] <esm> (w/o having to say, look at the SVN log)
[14:27:22 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and that you can have more room for a full explanation of why the change was made
[14:27:28 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> which is not nice to hide in svn commit logs
[14:27:45 EST(-0500)] <esm> in addition, the fixed Jira issues go into release notes
[14:27:52 EST(-0500)] <esm> at least, in some projects, i dunno about up3
[14:28:06 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yup
[14:28:08 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> they do
[14:28:17 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> we even have nice confluence macros we use for doing release notes
[14:28:29 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> that automaticly pull in the jira issues for the release
[14:28:37 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> and pull in new 'affects' issues that are created
[14:28:40 EST(-0500)] <awills> ok... but so far i haven't heard anyone suggest that an item like this needs a public vetting period... no need for that, right?
[14:28:46 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> no
[14:28:48 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> not at all
[14:29:25 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> so even if you just fix this for 2.6 you can say affects '2.6, 2.5, 2.4, ...' and then people running into the same issue can see what was done to fix it
[14:29:27 EST(-0500)] <awills> that's a good thing... it just wouldn't fit in the time table... the opportunity to make the change in uP would be lost
[14:29:43 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah, jira issue doesn't mean vetting is needed
[14:29:47 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> most things don't need that
[14:29:52 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> just 'larger' changes
[14:30:02 EST(-0500)] <awills> i can make them in 2-6-patches & trunk
[14:30:07 EST(-0500)] <awills> same codde basically
[14:30:19 EST(-0500)] <awills> good, then, we agree
[14:54:22 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@wg-198-hill012.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[15:05:04 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> hey awills, don't commit that cportletadpator change to trunk
[15:07:30 EST(-0500)] <awills> don't?
[15:07:34 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[15:07:39 EST(-0500)] <awills> what's up?
[15:07:40 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> it will make merging harder for me
[15:07:45 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> well that code is going to be deleted
[15:08:00 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> I don't think any portlet code from 2 will make it to 3
[15:08:14 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> so when I get to merging the pluto branch back to trunk
[15:08:14 EST(-0500)] <awills> yeah i figured that part, didn't think it would make a difference to you
[15:08:23 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> changes in the trunk portlet code make the merge messier
[15:08:36 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> since I have to tell svn that I know that a change was made but I don't care
[15:09:07 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> versus it just knowing that the file hasn't changed since I branched
[15:14:41 EST(-0500)] * jayshao_ (n=jayshao@jayshao.oirt.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[15:58:56 EST(-0500)] * esm cries
[15:59:43 EST(-0500)] <esm> dbunit cannot, afaict, create the database it performes testing on
[15:59:51 EST(-0500)] <esm> you can load data into the database
[16:00:02 EST(-0500)] <esm> but the database must already exist with the tables already created
[16:00:20 EST(-0500)] <esm> that doesn't make sense to me
[16:01:46 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> me either
[16:02:16 EST(-0500)] <esm> it really doesn't though. update, insert, refresh, delete, delete_all,
[16:02:58 EST(-0500)] <esm> no create
[16:03:08 EST(-0500)] <esm> so i must create the table on my own.
[16:03:11 EST(-0500)] <esm> dumb.
[16:03:58 EST(-0500)] <esm> i remember this from last time i used dbunit
[16:04:11 EST(-0500)] <esm> i dismissed my memory: "perhaps I was on crack"
[16:04:14 EST(-0500)] <esm> but no
[16:05:56 EST(-0500)] <esm> is it ironic that thunderbird marks my "Spam Quarintine Summary" email as spam?
[16:06:05 EST(-0500)] <esm> (we have a spam quarentine @ jhu )
[16:06:30 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> lol
[16:16:57 EST(-0500)] * esm <3 jdbc
[16:17:27 EST(-0500)] <esm> like i love open heart surgery
[16:17:44 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> lol
[16:17:45 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[16:18:00 EST(-0500)] <esm> i'm workong on a project. no spring.
[16:18:02 EST(-0500)] * esm cries
[16:18:09 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> the intro I had with spring + jpa + hib last week was like heaven
[16:18:21 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> dealing with all of the JDBC crap is so painful
[16:18:25 EST(-0500)] <EricDalquist> especially when it comes to testing
[16:19:22 EST(-0500)] <esm> well soon i'll be done with these tests
[16:19:25 EST(-0500)] <esm> that is where my pain is now
[16:19:37 EST(-0500)] <esm> its really just settin gup the test fixtures.
[16:19:48 EST(-0500)] <esm> the plubming of populating the table with seed data etc.
[16:19:54 EST(-0500)] <esm> writing the tests themselves are easy
[16:20:35 EST(-0500)] <esm> but still pain
[17:09:53 EST(-0500)] * awills (n=awills@74-37-166-57.br1.sho.az.frontiernet.net) has left ##uportal
[21:17:41 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@pool-68-239-246-163.nwrk.east.verizon.net) has joined ##uportal
[23:39:54 EST(-0500)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@pool-68-239-246-163.nwrk.east.verizon.net) has joined ##uportal