uPortal IRC Logs-2007-05-11

uPortal IRC Logs-2007-05-11

[09:10:03 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ool-44c59034.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ##uportal
[09:42:29 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@jshao.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:14:16 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=dalquist@bohemia.doit.wisc.edu) has joined ##uportal
[10:17:36 EDT(-0400)] * esm (n=esm@clue.mse.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[11:12:19 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> happy Friday everyone
[11:16:37 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> happy Friday
[11:18:34 EDT(-0400)] * esm (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[11:19:19 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:19:19 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL
[11:19:20 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:19:20 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] Total time: 1 minute 20 seconds
[11:19:20 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] Finished at: Fri May 11 11:19:02 EDT 2007
[11:19:20 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] Final Memory: 23M/63M
[11:19:22 EDT(-0400)] <esm> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[11:19:28 EDT(-0400)] <esm> new mac book pro ROCKS
[11:19:28 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> weee
[11:19:41 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> tad faster than the old one?
[11:19:44 EDT(-0400)] <esm> (mvn clean install)
[11:19:45 EDT(-0400)] <esm> yeah
[11:20:06 EDT(-0400)] <esm> so assembly is fixed, but when I ran uP3 on localhost, there is a missing portlet window
[11:20:14 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> ah yeah
[11:20:20 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> bookmarks portlet is busted right now
[11:20:22 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I need to fix that
[11:20:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the problem is the 1.0.5 rel of bookmarks is missing the jdbc driver ... oops
[11:21:22 EDT(-0400)] <esm> oh ok no problem i just wasn't sure if it was me
[11:21:30 EDT(-0400)] <esm> since it is normally (smile)
[11:21:30 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> nope
[11:21:33 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> lol
[11:21:43 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> heh
[11:22:00 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> Full Sakai build on the new Macbook pro still takes... a while...
[11:22:01 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> (wink)
[11:22:09 EDT(-0400)] <esm> maven 1 or 2
[11:22:20 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> 1 – haven't played with 2 yet...
[11:22:31 EDT(-0400)] <esm> ian says that 2 is faster
[11:22:38 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> hmmm...
[11:23:01 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> esm - that reminds me - any way to get Sakai/Tomcat to not redeploy a crapload of wars at startup?
[11:23:32 EDT(-0400)] <esm> eric rpobably knows better than i
[11:23:51 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> um
[11:23:53 EDT(-0400)] <esm> i would think that it wouldn't re-deploy wars if they are already exploded under webapps
[11:24:07 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[11:24:14 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> unless date stamps have changed
[11:24:15 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I think
[11:24:19 EDT(-0400)] <esm> right
[11:24:27 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> you can also tell tomcat to delete WARs after it explodes them
[11:24:38 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I believe
[11:24:48 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> I think it's a Sakai thing
[11:24:57 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> Sakai seems to build components and then redeploy them?
[11:25:07 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> hey esm I just checked out pluto 1.1.3
[11:25:13 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> and am trying to enable m2eclipse on it
[11:25:18 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> but get the following error: Unable to update source folders pluto_1.1.3; Java Model Exception: Java Model Status [Cannot nest output folder 'pluto_1.1.3/pluto-container/src/main/resources/META-INF' inside output folder 'pluto_1.1.3/pluto-container/src/main/resources']
[11:25:18 EDT(-0400)] <esm> yes.
[11:25:23 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> any ideas?
[11:25:25 EDT(-0400)] <esm> it is busted
[11:25:27 EDT(-0400)] <esm> edit
[11:25:33 EDT(-0400)] <esm> pluto-container/pom.xml
[11:25:36 EDT(-0400)] <esm> and comment out
[11:25:41 EDT(-0400)] * esm checks
[11:28:15 EDT(-0400)] <esm> there is a <resources> element which has a <targetDirecotry> of /META-INF
[11:28:24 EDT(-0400)] <esm> comment that <resources> element out
[11:28:31 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> k
[11:28:32 EDT(-0400)] <esm> i'm not sure why it pukes
[11:28:40 EDT(-0400)] <esm> and i haven't dug in to why david has that there
[11:29:01 EDT(-0400)] <esm> if you are working on a patch, you may want to use the 1.1.x branch
[11:29:08 EDT(-0400)] <esm> depending on what you are doing
[11:29:21 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> oh
[11:29:27 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I just want source ref for my pluto libs
[11:29:38 EDT(-0400)] <esm> cool no problem then (smile)
[11:30:10 EDT(-0400)] <esm> you'll need to "update source folders" of course, after commenting out that <resource> element
[11:30:29 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> yup
[11:36:23 EDT(-0400)] <esm> now to make DSpace work with our webiso...
[13:24:34 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> hrm
[13:24:41 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> design question if people are awake
[13:25:20 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> uP3 has transfer objects (DAOS <> Registries) and domain objects (Registries <> Framework)
[13:26:53 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> both transfer and domain objects have interfaces that describe them
[13:27:29 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> right now we have a situation where IPortletDefinitionTransfer and IPortletDefinition both extend a IPortletDefinitionInformationProvider interface
[13:27:36 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> which contains methods common to both interfaces
[13:27:43 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> I'm thinking this probably isn't a good thing
[13:27:55 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> as it couples the two sets of otherwise separate objects
From an out of band conversation with Andrew Petro:
(2007-05-11 12:31:11) Andrew P.: ok
(2007-05-11 12:31:24) Andrew P.: something about data transfer objects and domain objects extending the same interfaces
(2007-05-11 12:31:33) Eric: yeah
(2007-05-11 12:31:35) Andrew P.: so, shared interfaces need to mean something
(2007-05-11 12:31:47) Andrew P.: shared interfaces aren't just when two objects happen to want to have methods with similar names
(2007-05-11 12:31:58) Andrew P.: they have to actually have something articuably in common
(2007-05-11 12:32:08) Eric: yeah and all they are doing right now is sharing method names
(2007-05-11 12:32:16) Andrew P.: that's bad
(2007-05-11 12:32:24) Eric: they aren't ever used outside of the transfer/domain interface definitions
(2007-05-11 12:32:34) Eric: that's what I thought too ... just wanted confirmations
(2007-05-11 12:32:46) Eric: luckily, since they aren't used anywhere else, it is real easy to fix
(2007-05-11 12:32:52) Andrew P.: no. Shared interfaces need to mean that something wants to treat these two objects in the same way because of what they have in common
[13:35:17 EDT(-0400)] * apetro_work_desk (n=apetro@uni1.unicon.net) has joined ##uportal
[13:38:57 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> so I caught Andrew on IM and our chat is up on the IRC log for today if anyone is interested: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/uportal-2007-05-11
[13:39:14 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> the general tone was ... Common interfaces for no purpose other than sharing method names == bad
[13:44:33 EDT(-0400)] <esm> makes sense
[13:54:09 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> man the maven release plugin is nifty
[13:54:29 EDT(-0400)] <esm> (smile)
[13:54:46 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> grr
[13:55:09 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> again with m2eclipse associating the pluto project with my uPortal project instead of the jars
[13:55:11 EDT(-0400)] <EricDalquist> very annoying
[14:40:04 EDT(-0400)] * esm (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[14:54:04 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> I agree with the method names piece
[14:54:15 EDT(-0400)] <jayshao> especially if we want to preserve the ability to have instanceof mean anything
[15:04:06 EDT(-0400)] * esm_ (n=esm@asdf.dkc.jhu.edu) has joined ##uportal
[22:03:05 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ool-44c59034.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ##uportal
[23:24:30 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ool-44c59034.dyn.optonline.net) has joined ##uportal