uPortal IRC Logs-2007-08-24

uPortal IRC Logs-2007-08-24

[07:14:22 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@pool-72-79-113-152.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) has joined ##uportal
[08:00:54 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-211-162.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[08:19:41 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@ has joined ##uportal
[10:57:47 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-211-162.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[11:01:38 EDT(-0400)] * pberry (n=pberry@waldorf.CSUChico.EDU) has joined ##uportal
[11:07:00 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> pberry, have you seen the yaml (yet another multicolumn layout) builder.
[11:07:18 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> inspired by yui
[11:09:14 EDT(-0400)] <pberry> hrm
[11:09:25 EDT(-0400)] <pberry> is it the one they have on their developer site?
[11:09:36 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> http://www.yaml.de/en/home.html
[11:09:45 EDT(-0400)] <pberry> ah
[11:10:28 EDT(-0400)] <pberry> it's a bold move to mix "bulletproof" and "layouts" in the same sentence
[11:10:46 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> oh c'mon.
[11:10:50 EDT(-0400)] <pberry> (wink)
[11:11:08 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> the builder is version v0.3
[11:11:42 EDT(-0400)] <lescour> i'd have more confidence if then named it YAMLr
[11:15:27 EDT(-0400)] * lescour goes to find some cas proxy examples
[11:24:01 EDT(-0400)] * pberry preps for the JIRA 3.10.2 upgrade
[14:36:15 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao_ (n=jayshao@wg-206-hill012.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[16:24:46 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@jshao.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[16:54:29 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao_ (n=jayshao@jayshao.rutgers.edu) has joined ##uportal
[17:26:44 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-211-162.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[18:08:05 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-236-83.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[18:30:33 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-236-83.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[19:38:34 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-236-83.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal
[21:00:20 EDT(-0400)] * jayshao (n=jayshao@pool-72-79-113-152.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) has joined ##uportal
[23:44:45 EDT(-0400)] * EricDalquist (n=EricDalq@ppp-70-224-212-214.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net) has joined ##uportal