uPortal IRC Logs-2008-11-22

uPortal IRC Logs-2008-11-22

[11:29:44 EST(-0500)] * apetro (n=apetro@ip68-3-207-51.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[14:28:32 EST(-0500)] * Roxton (n=roxton@24-177-48-50.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) has joined ##uportal
[14:41:20 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> Oh, wow. A beautifully maintained, maven-enabled project available under the BSD license. I just wanted to pop in here and give due props.
[15:03:14 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> (smile)
[15:29:43 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> Does JA-SIG have its own channel?
[15:54:07 EST(-0500)] * Roxton (n=roxton@24-177-48-50.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) has joined ##uportal
[16:45:09 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> this channel is where I usually go if there is something related to uPortal I need to discuss
[16:45:23 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> as far as JA-SIG, there are a number of mailing lists.
[16:45:51 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> including a couple uPortal related and one for portlets
[16:46:54 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/JA-SIG+Mailing+Lists
[16:48:45 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> Hey, thanks.
[21:26:57 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> Roxton, there are also two jasig conferences a year. The big one, the next one, is in the spring.
[21:26:59 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/08spring/index.html
[21:27:06 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> oops
[21:27:10 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> wrong url
[21:27:53 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> here you go:
[21:27:55 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> http://www.ja-sig.org/conferences/09spring/index.html
[21:30:01 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> the other, in the fall is an 'unconference'. Usually a smaller conference without the set sessions. Less formal, more free form.
[21:40:18 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> Neat, I'll see if I can my company to fund the trip.
[21:41:54 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> It seems geared towards academia. I know that's part of JA-SIG's mission, but do you think someone interested in straight-up Java architecture would get a lot of benefit from it?
[21:42:19 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> (Oh, clearly. I guess I could have actually /read/ the content of the page you linked. grin)
[21:42:50 EST(-0500)] <Roxton> Plus community learning is kind of my /thing/.
[21:54:19 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> definitely
[21:54:41 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> look at some of the session that we have had at past conferences.
[21:54:48 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> er the sessions
[21:58:45 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> here is a link to last year's conference sessions:
[21:58:47 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> http://www.ja-sig.org/jasigconf/program.jsp?conf_id=jasig13
[22:00:14 EST(-0500)] <lennard1> there are a few fluffy management type sessions... but a lot of them are meaty java dev related sessions. Typically there are 4 or more sessions ran concurrently and the problem I usually run into is that two sessions I really wanted to attend are held at the same time(smile)