
First milestone build towards uPortal 4.2.0.



Released: 30 December 2014


This version of uPortal is a not-for-production milestone release of uPortal master as it marches towards uPortal 4.2.0.  It provides an early preview and handy quick-start of code that may become a real uPortal 4.2.0 release.


Download the release

You can grab the binary releases, including a ready-to-start Quickstart release, from the GitHub release page.

Security bugs known to affect uPortal 4.2.0-M1

This macro will automatically display publicly visible security bugs tagged as affecting this release in the issue tracker.

key summary priority

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


See also : Release announcement as posted on uportal-user@ email list and as posted on uportal-dev@ email list.

Human readable release notes

See the GitHub release page for human-readable release notes.



Deployer Notes

  • Requires Servlet API 2.5 to run. Tomcat 6.0 is the first version of Tomcat to support Servlet 2.5.  You probably actually want a recent Tomcat 7.
  • Requires Java 7 ("JDK 1.7") or newer.  Java 8 ("JDK 1.8") might also work, but wasn't the target version for this patch series.
  • Data export and import is required when upgrading from uPortal 4.0.x or earlier.

Issues addressed in uPortal 4.2.0-M1

key summary priority

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Bugs known to afflict uPortal 4.2.0-M1

(Note that this is only as good as the affects-version metadata on JIRA issues).

key summary priority

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.