Setting Up the Native App Project

Setting Up the Native App Project

Download and Install uMobile

Installing and running the uMobile native app project requires installing Titanium Studio, a mobile device emulator, and a custom SDK.  For more information on performing this initial setup, please consult Preparing the Native App Environment.

To use the native app project:

  1. Download and expand the native app project from http://jasig.org/umobile/downloads, or clone it from the Jasig Git repository.
  2. From Titanium Studio, import the project via File -> Import -> Import Existing Titanium Project.
  3. Open tiapp.xml and ensure the custom SDK is selected.

Running the Project

  1. Make sure the project is selected in the project explorer by clicking on the project name.
  2. Click the icon that looks like a play button in the project explorer menu bar.
  3. Select the emulator / simulator you'd like to use.

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