SFU Institutional Use Cases

This is an evolving list of user stories structured to capture the functional requirements of given people's interactions with the OpenRegistry tool.


As a(n)

I want to

So that I can


Application Admin

Create,Read,Update and Delete groups of users

So that I can provide role based access control to my application


Standalone SoR admin

Create,Read,Update and Delete persons via service calls

So that the identity information in my system is available in the registry


Standalone SoR admin

Create,Read,Update and Delete persons via batch calls

So that the identity information in my system is available in the registry


Standalone SoR admin

Create,Read,Update and Delete persons via manual user interface

So that the identity information in my system is available in the registry


Staff member

Lookup another staff member's phone number and office location

So that I can call or send them something


Standalone SoR admin

Have a computing ID assigned to a new user by the registry

So that users in my SoR can access University resources


Standalone SoR admin

Attach a sponsor to person's records

So that I can expire that person's information when the sponsor leaves


Security Auditor

See the detailed history of a person's identity in OpenRegistry

So that I can determine if an account or system was tampered with


New person in the University

Activate my computing account online

So that I can Access university resources


Help Desk Operator

Generate a new activation key for a user

So that the user can activate their account


Account holder

Control permissions for all pieces of my data

So that only the people I want can find out information about me


IT Admin Clerk

view a list of users who have access to the system

troubleshoot user access issues


IT Admin Clerk

check whether a token was used for an account

see whether the primary user has changed his/her password


IT Admin Clerk

send a token for an account

allow the primary user to change the password


IT Admin Clerk

be able to search for a department in multiple ways

avoid having to remember how the department name is spelled exactly in the system


IT Admin Clerk

add budget numbers to accounts

provide missing budget numbers


IT Admin Clerk

edit budget numbers for accounts

make corrections when necessary


IT Admin Clerk

extend an account's expiry

give the user access to the account for another year


IT Admin Clerk

create a new person account

give temporary email and library access to a visitor at a department's request


IT Admin Clerk

create a new departmental role account

give a department the ability to manage emails related to a role rather than a specific person


IT Admin Clerk

edit a display name of an account

make corrections to spelling or name changes


IT Admin Clerk

look up a budget number for an account

apply a charge to the department


IT Admin Clerk

view the computing account/ID history

find out why a user can't activate his/her ID


IT Admin Clerk

view the status of an account (active, destroyed, etc.)

find out why a user can't access systems


IT Admin Clerk

view the expiry date of the account/ID

find out why a user can't access systems


IT Admin Clerk

view the roles associated with the account/ID

find out why a user can't access systems


IT Admin Clerk

record the name of the sponsor of the account as part of the account information

refer to this information for account change requests


IT Admin Clerk

record the name of the primary user of the account as part of the account information

refer to this information for account change requests


Admin Coordinator

Create guest accounts

So that I can provide wireless access to visiting staff and students


Admin Coordinator

Provide email and file space to a guest account

So that I can provide email and file storage to visiting staff and students


Admin Coordinator

be able trigger the creation of a new staff account

allow other SFU staff members to email, assign calendar events, etc. to the new staff member earlier


Admin Coordinator

know when an account is created for a new staff member

determine when I can send email, assign calendar events, etc. to the new staff member


Admin Coordinator

be able to choose from a list of grant numbers associated with my department

pay for new/renewed sponsored accounts


Admin Coordinator

have the option of specifying no expiry date for an account

avoid having to manually renew it every year


Admin Coordinator

have the option of specifying an expiry date for more than a year

avoid having to manually renew it every year


Admin Coordinator

have the system automatically renew accounts that have an expiry date longer than 1 year

avoid having to manually renew them


Admin Coordinator

immediately 'expire' an account that no longer requires renewal

no longer need to tend to it at a later date


Admin Coordinator

immediately 'expire' multiple accounts that no longer require renewal

no longer need to tend to them one by one at a later date


Admin Coordinator

hide and archive expired accounts

view only active accounts


Admin Coordinator

customize the messaging in account activation print outs

include department-specific information


Admin Coordinator

customize the email messaging for expiring accounts

include the appropriate department-specific contact information


Admin Coordinator

enter a specific cost centre (budget numbers) for each account

provide missing budget numbers


Admin Coordinator

edit a specific cost centre (budget numbers) for each account

correct any errors regarding budget numbers


Admin Coordinator

preview how an account's display name will appear

enter the appropriate information in the fields


Admin Coordinator

edit an account's display name

make corrections when necessary


Admin Coordinator

specify contacts for receiving notifications for when an account has been renewed

see that the appropriate people have confirmation that the account has been renewed


Admin Coordinator

specify email addresses in addition to phone numbers of contacts

have more than one option of notifying users and managers regarding account changes


Admin Coordinator

specify a sponsored departmental role account for receiving notifications

continue to keep my personal staff account for other purposes


Admin Coordinator

apply multiple and nested sorting on the account listing

browse the list ordered by specific columns


Admin Coordinator

further define the type of user (e.g., adjunct professor, researcher)

know why the user needs the account


Admin Coordinator

export account information to a file

refer to the list of accounts I manage while not online


Admin Coordinator

choose the information I would like to export to a file

export only the information I need


Admin Coordinator

view contextual help beside fields

get a quick description of the fields and sections in the system


Admin Coordinator

view detailed help documentation

learn more about the system's features and best practices


Admin Coordinator

be able to search for my department in multiple ways

avoid having to remember how the department name is spelled exactly in the system


Admin Coordinator

resend a token to an account

allow the primary user to change the password


Admin Coordinator

have the same character limits for fields that map to external systems (e.g., FAST)

enter information that can be properly referenced in both systems


Admin Coordinator

have the system update email contact information accordingly when staff responsibilities change

avoid having to remember to manually update contact information


Admin Coordinator

modify the charge code of multiple accounts

avoid having to modify accounts one by one


Admin Coordinator

modify the expiry date of multiple accounts

avoid having to modify accounts one by one


Admin Coordinator

modify the department name of multiple accounts

avoid having to modify accounts one by one


Admin Coordinator

reset the passwords for multiple accounts

avoid having to reset passwords of accounts one by one


Admin Coordinator

view the activity associated with a token

see when it was used by the account holder


Admin Coordinator

record the name and contact info of the person requesting the account

search by this information when having to act on the account


Admin Coordinator

record the name of the project associated with the account

search by this information when having to act on the account


Admin Coordinator

record the name of the research unit associated with the account

search by this information when having to act on the account


Admin Coordinator

be able to search for accounts rather than browsing a list

avoid browsing a long list of all accounts


Admin Coordinator

assign specific accounts to delegates

distribute the management of departmental accounts


Admin Coordinator

export account information to a file (account name, computing ID, purpose, expiry date, account code)

send it to other staff members for review


Admin Coordinator

oversee all actions performed by delegates

supervise, track and troubleshoot tasks


Admin Coordinator

export a report on charges placed on a specific cost centre

review it or send it to other staff members


Business Analyst

view roles associated with the account

determine that type of SIMS/FINS access they should have


Business Analyst

view the status of the roles associated with the account

determine whether the user should have access to SIMS/FINS


Business Analyst

search for an account by SFU ID

view the corresponding account information


Business Analyst

search for an account by computing ID

view the corresponding account information


Business Analyst

view the computing ID of the account

verify the SFU email address


Business Analyst

view the aliases of the account

verify the SFU email addresses


Business Analyst

look up the account history

determine why a message has been sent to SIMS to change access


Business Analyst

view contextual help in fields

find definitions of the values in the field


Business Analyst

manually trigger an update of a computing ID to SIMS

attempt another update if an error occurs


Business Analyst

view only relevant portions of the XML feed

avoid having to manually look through XML tags for relevant information


Business Analyst

customize a tab view

have the system display relevant information upfront


Business Analyst

customize the number of search results displayed on a page

browse more results on a single page


Business Analyst

search by partial first name and last name

avoid having to type in  the first and last names as they are exactly spelled


Business Analyst

be able to see whether a user has two SFU IDs associated with his/her account

be aware of this when searching for his/her profile in SIMS


Head, Research Computing

look up roles associated with an account

verify that a user qualifies for access to research computing systems and software


Head, Research Computing

check whether the account is in payroll file

verify that a user qualifies for access to research computing systems and software


Head, Research Computing

search by first and last name

find the computing ID associated with the user


Head, Research Computing

search by computing ID

locate the profile of a specific person


IT Manager

create temporary accounts

grant guests access to wireless and labs


IT Manager

define an expiry date for guest accounts

schedule when a guest can access wireless and labs


IT Manager

look up a list of maillists to which a person belongs

see whether he/she is in the correct maillist(s) for accessing systems


IT Manager

trigger the creation of a new staff account

allow other SFU staff members to send email or calendar invitations to the new staff member sooner


IT Manager

search by both first name and last name

narrow down the number of search results, and avoid browsing long lists of results


IT Manager

view the season and year of a term associated with courses

avoid having to convert a term code (e.g., 1107 for Fall 2010)


IT Manager

view maillists associated with an account

convert it to an AD group for access to software in labs


IT Manager

convert accounts from full weight to lightweight

restrict the amount of access a person has


IT Manager

extend the expiry of an account for more than 1 year at a time

avoid having to manually extend the account every year


Departmental Manager

search by computing ID

find the user's SFU ID


Departmental Manager

search by surname

find the user's SFU ID


Departmental Manager

search by alias

find the user's SFU ID


Departmental Manager

find out which department a user is affiliated with

determine which GL account number to use for transactions


Departmental Manager

look up the roles associated with a person

verify whether he/she is eligible for software discounts


Departmental Manager

view the last semester and year in which a person enrolled in courses

verify whether he/she is eligible for software discounts


Departmental Manager

search by first and last name

locate the profile of a person that cannot provide a computing ID


Departmental Manager

assign/reassign aliases to my staff members

see that they assume the role associated with the alias


Departmental Manager

view aliases associated with an account

review which roles are assigned to staff members


Departmental Manager

create temporary wireless access accounts

use them to service and support clients without the risk of compromising my own staff account


Departmental Manager

view the phone number associated with an account

contact a customer by phone


Departmental Manager

identify external (non-SFU) users, e.g., FIC

troubleshoot access issues


Student Lab Technician

look up a user's SFU email address

notify a user regarding items he/she left behind in the lab


Student Lab Technician

look up a user's role

determine why a user cannot access online resources


Student Lab Technician

look up a user's account status

determine why a user cannot access online resources


Student Lab Technician

view the semester and year of a term associated with courses

avoid having to convert a term code (e.g., 1107 for Fall 2010)


Student Lab Technician

customize the number of results listed on a page

browse more items on a single page


Student Lab Technician

view more than 200 entries on a given search

browse more items in a single search


Student Lab Technician

view whether a student has been added to a specific WebCT course

troubleshoot access issues for WebCT


Student Lab Technician

view training documentation

learn more on how to use the system more effectively


Student Lab Technician

customize a tab view of a user profile

view only relevant information on a single page


Help Desk Operator

look up a user's roles

determine whether the user should have access to SIMS or myINFO


Help Desk Operator

look up a user's account status

determine why a user cannot activate his/her computing ID


Help Desk Operator

customize the number of items displayed on a page

browse more items on a single page


Help Desk Operator

set the default search type

avoid having to change it every time I perform a new search


Help Desk Operator

search by alias

check whether a requested alias has already been taken


Help Desk Operator

search by SFU ID

determine whether it has been created in the system


Help Desk Operator

search by first name and surname

locate a profile of a person who does not know his/her SFU ID


Help Desk Operator

check whether a person is registered in courses

troubleshoot access issues for systems


Help Desk Operator

view the account history activity items in the order in which they occurred

avoid having to manually review dates and times of each activity


Director in Student Services

look up the account status

determine admission and enrollment status


Director in Student Services

look up roles associated with an account

determine why someone can't access SIMS


Director in Student Services

look up account status

determine why a user can't activate his/her computing ID


Director in Student Services

view password change history

see whether a user has attempted a password change


Director in Student Services

search by surname and first name

see whether there are multiple computing accounts associated with a single user


Director in Student Services

set a default search type

avoid having to change it every time I perform a new search


Director in Student Services

trigger the account creation for a Grad applicant who submitted their application by paper

allow him/her to access the student information system for online transactions


Systems Consultant

reset the password of an account

help user regain access to their account


Systems Consultant

reset the password of a temporary account

prevent unauthorized usage of the temporary account


Systems Consultant

lookup profile of student by SFU ID

verify the identity of a user requesting a password reset


Systems Consultant

create an AD group from maillist

avoid having to create AD groups manually


Systems Consultant

search for items with type "contains"

avoid having to enter the exact values for searching


Systems Consultant

search for items with type "starts with"

avoid having to enter the exact values for searching


Systems Consultant

view the status of an account (active, destroyed, etc.)

troubleshoot access issues


Systems Consultant

have the system automatically reset a password for temporary accounts on a date that I can define

avoid having to remember to manually reset the password on a particular date


Systems Consultant

view the challenge question & answer for a user

verify that the user has provided a correct challenge question


Systems Consultant

set the challenge question & answer for a user

facilitate future password resets


Network Administrator

toggle the Zimbra account status

activate or lock out access to a compromised email account


Network Adminstrator

clear Zimbra forwarding for an account

stop the email account from forwarding messages to a spammer


Network Administrator

lock out access to a user account

force the user to contact IT Services to resolve account issues


Network Administrator

lookup computing ID of a user account

contact the user regarding account issues


Network Administrator

lookup phone number of user account

contact the user regarding account issues


Network Administrator

add comments to an account

document reasons for changing account access


Network Administrator

reset the password of an account

lock out unauthorized access to an account


Network Administrator

view the account activity history

see whether a user has attempted a password reset


Network Administrator

have the system automatically add or remove SFU email addresses to the monitor-password-changes maillist

avoid having to remember to manually add or remove users from the maillist



search by first name and last name

find a user's SFU ID



search by computing ID

find a user's SFU ID



search by first name and last name

narrow down the list of search results



locate the hashed password associated with a user

set up authentication to a database