The WebCT uPortal 2 channel provides direct access to the user's WebCT home page Single signon is implemented using a shared secret file.
The Channel has been tested with WebCT versions 3.8-4.1 - Campus Edition.
This implementation is derived from code supplied by WebCT and Netspot. The channel was skinned, and links to course create separate windows since there is no way back to the portal from a WebCT course. An ant build process was added to simplify installation.
Version 1.2 provides support for uPortal 2.4.+, CE and Vista, multi-institutional support and the ability to provide separate channels for users, calendar an staff thanks to the work of Patrick Berry and Freddy Lopez
use webct 1.1.zip for uPortal 2.1.+
use webct 1.2.zip for uPortal 2.4.+