2013 Unconference Lightning Talks

2013 Unconference Lightning Talks

What's a lightning talk?

A lightning talk is a talk about Apple's new iPhone connector a short (10 minutes or less?), pointed, no longer than it needs to be, technical or not, quick, slide supported or not, talk about something.

Share something you developed.

Share an idea for something you'd like to develop.

Share a problem you're having in your local CAS/uPortal/Sakai/SSP implementation, or how you've addressed a problem.

Share a tool you're loving or an insight about how to be more productive and effective.

Ready to go talks

Entries should give a pithy title, who could give the talk, summarize what the talk is about, and collect leads of UnConferencers interested in the talk happening.

Enterprise Authorization and Grouper

Using Grouper for Enterprise authorization and integration with platform authorization APIs.

William G. Thompson, Jr.

OpenRegistry Spring Batch Proof of Concept

Toward an OpenRegistry quickstart...

Dmitriy Dmitriy

cas-addons: your CAS server, now with more cowbell!

CAS addons is a free and open source GitHub repository under Unicon's GitHub organizational account, publicly available, and intended to offer extensions for adoption with and in your CAS server implementations.  This repository already has a slew of interesting and even useful stuff in it.  This lightning talk would showcase cas-addons, flash the Maven pom.xml magic to include cas-addons in your CAS server, and survey highlights of what's available in CAS addons to make your implementation even better.

Misagh Moayyed




Talks someone could give

Entries should give a pithy title, who could give the talk, summarize what the talk is about, and collect leads of UnConferences interested in the talk happening.


Talks someone would like to consume

Entries should summarize what the talk would be about or accomplish, collect leads of other UnConferencers also interested in the talk happening, maybe even suggest who could give it.

Grouper Project Update

Chris Hyzer

Shibboleth Project Update

Some upcoming additions to the Shibboleth IdP

Mike Grady

OpenRegistry Project Update

CIFER Project Update

uPortal Project Update

Person Directory and Shibboleth's attribute resolver?

Exploring the relationship between current and envisioned Jasig/Apereo Person Directory / PersonAttributeDAO API and Shibboleth's similar technology.  Potential for bridging between these APIs?

Incubation Project Demos

This would be a great opportunity for incubating project leads to share with the community

Andrew Petro would like this talk to happen.