Incubation review checklist

Incubation review checklist

Legal [see 2009-05-08 Licensing Requirements Discussion

These requirements are dependent on approval of a Jasig licensing policy.

  • All code properly licensed.
  • No non-licensed or license-incompatible dependencies in the code base.
  • Software license grant complete.
  • Contributor License Agreements on file (both individual and corporate agreement).
  • Copyright agreement in all source files.
  • Check of project name for trademark issues.  Jasig will assist in trademark registration for project name.

Pending the Jasig licensing policy, the IWG will accept projects with similar licensing status to existing projects.


  • Demonstrate an active and diverse development community. Preferably the list of original committers will have grown beyond the original set (and institution) in the proposal, but this is not a requirement.
  • Demonstrate that the project has a reasonable expectation for support in the future, for example, if any single contributor leaves the project continued support will exist.
  • The above implies that new committers are admitted according to Jasig practices.


  • A project steering committee has been created to oversee the project, or the project committers and an existing steering commitee agree that an existing steering committee will steer the project.  In the case of portlets a new steering committee is not required.  Initially the Jasig uPortal Steering Committee will oversee portlets as well.  Once the process grows too large for that committee the intention is to appropriately group portlets for the process of governance.
  • Jasig  voting practices have been adopted and are standard practice.
  • The project has weathered and resolved conflicts where they have arisen. Good-natured and well-meaning disagreement of vision, requirements, and implementation are a reality of community source development. Jasig desires that incubated projects work through these "growing pains", as the software is developed and additional committers and adopters become involved, before emerging from incubation. Incubation provides an opportunity to face conflict with the assistance of an Incubation Mentor and the support of the Incubation Working Group.
  • Release plans are developed and executed in public by the committers.
  • At least one release has occurred during the Incubation process.
  • Engagement by the incubated community with the larger Jasig community. The incubated project may engage on a technical level by integrating with existing Jasig projects.  It is also desirable for the prospective project to have been presented / discussed at the Jasig Unconference or annual conference.

Alignment & Synergy

  • Integration with other Jasig projects where appropriate.
  • Develop synergistic relationship with other Jasig projects wherever possible.


  • SVN module has been created on Jasig server.
  • The required mailing lists have been used.
  • Issue tracker is being used (JIRA).
  • Roadmap for project is present in Confluence.
  • Project website is current.
  • All non-sensitive (i.e. passwords, etc) information in the above tools is publicly accessible.