Blackboard Integration project list request

Blackboard Integration project list request

Request for email list infrastructure for birthing the WebCT channel into a full JA-SIG channel project.

Create two email lists in support of the WebCT channel project, a users list for discussing installation and usage of the WebCT channel, and a developers list for discussing development of the channel. These lists would be the starting infrastructure for discussing building out the rest of the project infrastructure, including an improved web presence for the project, binary deliverables more akin to those present in the Clearinghouse (instead of requiring checkout of source from SVN), and testing and development towards an as-good-as-it-gets release of the project. While the initial code for collaboration upon is a WebCT channel, the intended scope of these lists are to more generally discuss and develop WebCT and Blackboard integration, even as these projects head towards Portlets or other kinds of integration.


Purpose of list:
Discussion of using the WebCT and Blackboard channels and portlets, including those available via the Clearinghouse listing of contributions and that present in JA-SIG SVN. Includes user community self-support, discussion of configuring the channels, etc.

Subscribe policy:
Anyone may subscribe.

Post policy:
Any subscribed email address may post.

List aesthetics:
The subject of messages sent to the list should be prepended with [blackboard-integration-discuss].
Messages on the list should include a footer indicating the URL to visit to manage list subscriptions.
Replies to messages on the list should by default go to the list.

Seed membership:
Brad Johnson

List ownership / moderatorship:
Andrew Petro is willing to take responsibility for this list.

All messages sent to the list should be archived to the web, available via Google and other mainstream search engines, and publicly browseable.


Purpose of list:
Discussion of and collaboration on developing the WebCT and Blackboard channels and portlets, including bug fixing and new feature development, project logistics, web presence management, project management, and all other work in support of developing, maintaining, and releasing WebCT integration channels for uPortal.

Subscribe policy:
Anyone may subscribe.

Post policy:
Any subscribed email address may post.

List aesthetics:
The subject of messages sent to the list should be prepended with [blackboard-integration-work].
Messages on the list should include a footer indicating the URL to visit to manage list subscriptions.
Replies to messages on the list should by default go to the list.

Seed membership:
Brad Johnson

List ownership / moderatorship:
Andrew Petro is willing to take responsibility for this list.

All messages sent to the list should be archived to the web, available via Google and other mainstream search engines, and publicly browseable.