JSP Client
JSP Client
The CAS JSP tag library conforms to its TLD.
Getting the files
The CAS JSP tag library is distributed as part of the Java CAS Client distributions.
A legacy CAS JSP client is also attached to this Wiki page.
Here's an example of using the CAS JSP Taglib.
<%-- This is a sample JSP page that uses the CAS tag library. It assumes that the tag library from http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas/cas-taglib-1.00.tar.gz is installed into your web application. For the CAS 1.0 client (which works under JSP 1.1), this involves the following steps: - addition of castools.tld to your application's WEB-INF directory - addition of castools.jar to your application's WEB-INF/lib directory - modification of your application's deployment descriptor (web.xml) to add an element like this: http://www.yale.edu/its/tp/castools/WEB-INF/castools.tld To use the CAS 2.0 client, simply refer to the sample application ('webProxy') that comes with the CAS 2.0 distribution. --%> <%-- The following like imports the tag library into the current page and associates it with the prefix 'cas' --%> <%@ taglib prefix="cas" uri="/WEB-INF/castools.tld" %> <%-- The following tag (JSP action) authenticates the user via CAS and exposes the NetID of this user in the session-scoped variable named 'netid'. If this session-scoped variable already exists, the tag assumes the user has authenticated previously, and it does not re-authenticate the user. --%> <cas:auth id="netid" scope="session"/> <%-- Now, scripting code may use the scripting variable named 'netid', and other code (such as a servlet sharing a session with this page) may refer to the session-scoped attribute named 'netid', as in myHttpServletRequest.getSession().getAttribute("netid") --%> <%-- After authenticating the user, we might forward to a servlet in our application; this servlet can read the session-scoped parameter, as described earlier. (It would not be secure to pass the NetID to the servlet as a request parameter; the servlet should use the session-scoped attribute exposed by the CAS tag.) --%> <jsp:forward page="/myServlet"/>