CASifying Zimbra 6.0/7.0

HOWTO CASify Zimbra 6.0/7.0

Zimbra is open source server software for email and collaboration - email, group calendar, contacts, instant messaging, file storage and web document management.

  1. Configure the Zimbra CACerts keystore

    Import your CAS Server certificates (cert and chain if you have one) into the Zimbra CACerts Keystore by executing following commands with the root user :

    /opt/zimbra/java/bin/keytool -import -file casserver.cert -alias cascert -trustcacerts -keystore /opt/zimbra/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
    /opt/zimbra/java/bin/keytool -import -file casserver.chain -alias caschain -trustcacerts -keystore /opt/zimbra/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
  2. Import the Java CAS Client library

    This library is usable for implementing custom CAS functionality and for simply CASifying web applications by application of a filter.
    1. Download it from The client version 3.1.x is working fine with Zimbra 6.0.x and CAS Server 3.3.x.
    2. Copy the cas-client-core-3.1.x.jar into /opt/zimbra/jetty/common/lib.
  3. Modify web.xml files

    1. Zimbra Webapp

      Add following lines to /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/ before the first <servlet> section (~line 230) and replace and
      Default ports are 8443 for the CAS Server and 443 for the Zimbra Web Client (or 80 if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS) :

    2. ZimbraAdmin Webapp
      Add same lines as before to /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/ before the first <servlet> section (~line 230), and replace and
      Default ports are 8443 for the CAS Server and 7071 for the Zimbra Admin Console.
  4. Create the PreAuth key

    Execute the following command with the Zimbra user :

    zmprov gdpak

    This will create the PreAuth key "359d722926fc3daebd0fee5d8b9dad9bbe1646e68041afa8ab662c6a9152e6b9".

  5. Create preauth.jsp files

    1. Zimbra Webapp
      1. Copy the preauth.jsp-zimbra file (download it from this wiki page attachments) to /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/public/preauth.jsp.
      2. Replace the DOMAIN_KEY with the key you previously generate with zmprov:

        public static final String DOMAIN_KEY =	"359d722926fc3daebd0fee5d8b9dad9bbe1646e68041afa8ab662c6a9152e6b9";
      3. Replace with your domain at line 90.
      4. Execute the following command with the root user :

        chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbra/public/preauth.jsp
    2. ZimbraAdmin Webapp
      1. Copy the preauth.jsp-zimbraadmin file (download it from this wiki page attachments) to /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbraAdmin/public/preauth.jsp.
      2. Replace the DOMAIN_KEY with the key you previously generate with zmprov:

        public static final String DOMAIN_KEY =	"359d722926fc3daebd0fee5d8b9dad9bbe1646e68041afa8ab662c6a9152e6b9";
      3. Replace with your domain at line 92.
      4. Execute the following command with the root user :

        chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/zimbraAdmin/public/preauth.jsp
  6. Replace login and logout URLs

    Execute following commands with the Zimbra user :

    zmprov md zimbraWebClientLoginURL
    zmprov md zimbraWebClientLogoutURL
    zmprov md zimbraAdminConsoleLoginURL
    zmprov md zimbraAdminConsoleLogoutURL
    zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLoginURL
    zmprov mcf zimbraWebClientLogoutURL 

    Replace and
    Default ports are 8443 for the CAS Server, 443 for the Zimbra Web Client (or 80 if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS) and 7071 for the Zimbra Admin Console.

  7. Restart Zimbra

    Execute the following command with the Zimbra user :

    zmcontrol restart

That's all folks!