BW 3.8 Documentation To-Do List
BW 3.8 Documentation To-Do List
3.7 Listing - convert for 3.8
- Format Make Events Available
- Bring in Access rights and groups from DeployingBedework.
- Fix reference to chapter 4 in Styling Bedework.
- Fix reference in Upgrading to place where you
- Where should instructions for restoring database go?
- Probably should add database backup instructions.
- Where should access control explanation go?
- Document addressbook client.
- Replace contents of CardDAV server page.
- Add Free/Busy service someplace
- Add Real-time scheduling or not
- Merge or recombine somehow "BW 3.7 Set Calendar and Build Preferences" and "BW 3.7 Deploying Themes and Resources"
Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.9