BW 3.8 Documentation To-Do List

BW 3.8 Documentation To-Do List

3.7 Listing - convert for 3.8

  1. Format Make Events Available
  2. Bring in Access rights and groups from DeployingBedework.
  3. Fix reference to chapter 4 in Styling Bedework.
  4. Fix reference in Upgrading to place where you
  5. Where should instructions for restoring database go?
  6. Probably should add database backup instructions.
  7. Where should access control explanation go?
  8. Document addressbook client.
  9. Replace contents of CardDAV server page.
  10. Add Free/Busy service someplace
  11. Add Real-time scheduling or not
  12. Merge or recombine somehow "BW 3.7 Set Calendar and Build Preferences" and "BW 3.7 Deploying Themes and Resources"

Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.9