Draft August Newsletter

Recent CAS Deployers

We'd like to welcome the latest CAS deployers to the CAS community!

You can see the complete list here: http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/community/deployers/index.html

If you're not on the list and would like to be, contact ~battags

Governance Model Goes Before Board of Directors

The CAS community has been hard at work defining and refining their version of a steering committee. The steering committee is modeled after the uPortal Steering Committee (with some minor twists!). The governance model goes before the August board meeting.

Steering Committee Nominations

In parallel with getting approval from the JASIG Board for the JASIG CAS Steering Committee, we've put out a request for nominations (including self-nominations) for the JASIG CAS Steering Committee. Submit your bio, vision, goals, experience, etc. to Scott Battaglia. The JASIG membership will vote on the nominees to be included in the JASIG CAS Steering Committee. The goal is to have this in place before the October UnConference

CAS Roadmap and Planning

While the steering committee gets underway, a group of CAS developers, deployers, and other interested parties have started to have talks about the future of CAS. These conversations are open to everyone and the meeting notes are freely available. The last meeting notes are available here:

This group of people will be holding another another conference call on Friday, August 15th from 1 to 2 pm. If you're interested in joining, please contact ~battags or ~benno

We encourage you to contribute however you can to this process, whether its on-list, on the phone, or via the wiki!

CAS 3.3 Final

We're pleased to announce the final release of CAS Server 3.3. CAS Server 3.3 includes numerous bug fixes, enhancements, and new features including:

Bug Fixes


New Features

Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and helped test!

You can download the entire release from our web site: http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/downloads/

Some information on upgrading from CAS 3.2 to 3.3 can be found here: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASUM/Upgrading

phpCAS Client 1.0 Final

The 1.0 release of the phpCAS client is now out with some new features including single sign out and being able to be PEAR-installable. Congrats to Pascal Aubry, Julien Marchal and Brett Bieber on the release! You can find out more info here: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CASC/phpCAS

Call for Development Team

While work continues on the 3.3 branch and discussions are still ongoing about the future CAS releases, we're pretty sure there will be one! Thus we're starting to gather developers, translators, UI experts, business analysts, etc. to start putting together design guidelines, rules, and documentation. Check out: http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CAS/CAS4+Development If you're interested please contact ~battags

uPortal Update

Matt Peterson announced that uPortal 3 is now in production at the University of New England at Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. He reports that, "We successfully released uPortal 3.0.1 into production this morning at UNE, replacing uPortal 2.5.3. So far, so good! Our log files are far, far, far cleaner due to the improved code base of uP3. It is also snappier and more reliable. Thanks for everyone's input into issues we encountered on the way to this point." You can keep up to date on other uPortal 3 implementation efforts at http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/x/vQXP.

The uPortal Steering Committee is working with Erik Olsson of UC Irvine on making their Announcements Portlet an official JASIG sandbox project. Currently it is available at http://wiki.vcsa.uci.edu/bin/view/Portal/AnnouncementsPortlet. As more portlets become available through JASIG, we would like to bundle them with uPortal.

This month the uPortal steering committee responded to a request for fact-checking by CMS Watch of a draft of the uPortal chapter of their proprietary Enterprise Portals report. Thanks are due to Colin Clark, Jonathan Markow, and Andrew Petro for collaboration on that response. The Enterprise Portals Report is available from CMS Watch for a fee. The committee is presently working to refactor its responses to the CMS Watch draft into improvements to the uPortal documentation, primarily in the uPortal manual, alongside other documentation improvements. The uPortal documentation is free and publicly available.