ProjectDeployer is a python project I created to deploy our projects. The aim is to make channel rollouts easier, repeatible, and easily audited. There are two components to the project. The ProjectDefinitions are a directory of our projects that each have a project.cfg file and optionally properties files. The rollout script uses the project definition to perform the build. For example, the svnurl is defined in project.cfg. If this value is changed to a different svn branch, the rollout script will re-checkout the project from the appropriate svn path the next time that project is built. If the commands are changed (switching from ant to maven) the rollout scripts won't need to change as long as the command name remains the same, e.g. build. This will make more sense if you look at the rollout script and project.cfg formats bellow.
Copy the ProjectDeployer folder somewhere in your system. (This contains the rollout script)
Go into the ProjectDeployer directory and copy and edit the config file
cp ProjectDeployer.cfg |
Next, checkout the project definitions appropriate for your environment. (Or create them)
svn co $SVNROOT/its/aim/ProjectDefinitions/trunk/development ProjectDefinitions |
There are two components to ProjectDeployer, rollout scripts and project definitions.
Rollout scripts are run with the rollout command under ProjectDeployer. Currently they're very simple. It simply says run these commands on the project with the given path. This path is relative to the ProjectDefinitions directory, which is defined in ProjectDeployer.cfg. The project will be checked out under ProjectSource with the same relative path that it has under ProjectDefinitions. Here is an example script:
# Example rollout script, #'s are used for comments libs/utils build inject aim/DisabilityServices inject |
Each project has a directory in the ProjectDefinitions folder (defined in the rollout config file). Each project directory has a project.cfg file. They look like this:
[Project] name=DisabilityServices svnurl=svn+ssh:// [Commands] deletedb=ant deletedb createdb=ant createdb publish=ant publish spotless=ant spotless inject=ant inject clean=ant clean depublish=ant depublish build=ant compile |
The commands are not required to have certain names. The rollout script simply runs the command for the given command name. However, by using a common name scheme it makes changes between ant and maven more transparent.
Any files in the project definition directory will be copied to the checkout directory prior to running commands. e.g.
There are a few issues with the current scheme:
This isn't true for the portal and some other projects. One workaround would be to create a syntax in project.cfg to specify which file to deploy, for example:
[Files] |
I was thinking it'd be cool to be able to switch projects into maintenance mode, run the rollouts across multiple servers and pause for testing. Say we're upgrading a channel but it's database needs to be modified, we want to switch it into maintenance mode so no one will be using it while we upgrade the database. We want to do testing on phobos while it's out of the loop, then perform the rollout on the remaining servers. Such a rollout script would look something like this:
[] *out_of_loop *shutdown *start_maint aim/DisabilityServices aim/DisabilityServices inject upgradedb *startup |
Then you would do your testing on phobos, afterwards, you would run a second script:
[] *into_loop [,,] *out_of_loop *shutdown aim/DisabilityServices inject *startup *into_loop |
I'm not sure if we could get permission to script the load balancer, but it'd be cool.