
When uPortal 3 launches, it will look and work like uPortal 2 out of the box. However, in addition to this default look, we would like to include an additional interface that refreshes the overall look of uPortal, takes advantage of many of the new features of the framework, and provides an easy-to-follow starting point for organizations wishing to customize uPortal's look to their needs.

This document is very rough. It will grow/refine as time goes on, but I wanted to get community involvement started.

The following screenshots are meant to give the community the general idea of a flow for the uPortal interface. These screenshots use a My VT look and feel since it was easier to modify existing screenshots rather than create new ones from scratch. The final look and feel will determined after the features have been nailed down.

General Notes/Thoughts/Goals

View Mode

This screenshot shows a standard tab within the portal. Some notes on this screen:


Instead of subtabs, we are calling them sections in the UI. The parent tab acts as the first/default section by adding the word "Home" after it. This UI only considered one level of sections. Doing more than one level might be better served by a folder/column structure.

Detached Portlets

This is a detached portlet.

Focused Portlets

This is the focused mode of the Local Newsgroups portlet.

Settings Portlet

This screenshot shows a rough concept for the Settings portlet. Each item on the left is a plugable module. Only modules for which the current user has access would be displayed.

Note: The modules listed here are for example purposes only and are not necessarily proposed pre-packaged modules.


This is a concept for the search portlet. Institutions could add their own search engine modules to the left hand bar. Each module could be a portlet, iframe, or web proxy. Moving between searches should resubmit the keywords. Different search modules can change the search box in the upper right with additional options (like author/subject/ISBN drop down for library catalog) but should maintain only one keywords box.

The search box on the main screen could be the "normal" view of the search portlet. This would be the "focused" view.

Add Content

There is a section for browsing portlets and a section for browsing "collections" which is another term I'm playing around with instead of "fragments". Do collections need categories?

Only one folder/portlet can be expanded at a time. Inside of a folder, one portlet can be expanded at a time. When expanded, a portlet shows a description and an Add Portlet link.

Change Layout

When the user clicks the Change Layout button, this screen appears. (Labeled Buttons)

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