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Status of incubating projects

Licensing - Jonathan has talked to Tracy Mitrano at Cornell and she has agreed to make herself available to any institution about CCLA.

What are road blocks to progress? Developer availability

Voting practice

Can we get by without formal documentation? If not what is process to adopt?
See wiki Voting Considerations

Jonathan - let's invent our own practice and not adopt Apache process wholesale.  What is minimum to move forward?

Voters are all committers.  How is committer list maintained?  Active project contributors might include steering committee and committers.  Have people say whether they are binding voters when they vote.  Active committer list and steering committee list should be available.  No need to describe process for all the types Apache did - stick with less formal and more minimalist for now.

New Incubation possibility

Ryan Chambers query about incubating York University (Canada) calendar portlet. Andrew P says "It's really nice and has been successfully presented at the East Coast Liferay User Group meeting and at the Gettysburg portal conference."  Jonathan made contact as well.  There are lots of questions but Jira will probably