call: (616) 347-8000, access code: 992610#

First regular monthly call

Attending:  Susan Bramhall, Cris Holdorph, Parker Grimes, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Markow


Process update

Based on 6/30 call, the process wiki page was updated to reflect that mentors may be a good idea in the long run but for now IWG members will serve as mentors for the projects assigned to them.

JIRA update

Tim will use TabbedSearchPortlet as pilot for JIRA tabbed view to track progress.


IWG ideally needs to be able to rely on infrastructure group for service.  Infrastructure tasks such as getting access need to be made systematic rather than so informal.  For now IWG members will need to set up access to jira, wiki, svn etc. Process wiki has been updated to reflect this situation.

Agenda for next meeting

Check with Erik Olsson if there are issues that might come up for him on licensing.  What does lead developer need to do? How can IWG help?