Agenda: Incubation loose ends

call:  (616) 347-8000,   access code:  992610# 

Parker, Cris, Susan, Jonathan (Benn is withdrawing from IWG now that process is in place.)

Tim: absent 

Allow free form entry of contributors and other people in the jira

(Tim fixed this I think)

Esup help desk (INC-11)

Pascal never sent email of concerns.  email sent to him today touching base.

ERP - not yet incubating (INC-10and INC-12)

Aaron Fuleki and Jason to confer.  Parker talked to Jason a week ago.  He did open source his API.  CampusEAI solution plugs into more systems and is more abstract.  Parker's is more specific to Banner.  Aaron to discuss via phone call.

Prepare for Quarterly review of incubating projects:

Conference call to review status will be Monday May 4 @ 2:00 PM EDT

Everyone: Please review the Bedework submission INC-13 along with portlet assignments in advance of May 2 call.

Each committee member will investigate status of 1 or 2 incubating projects, make comments in the jira issue and use the portlet and incubation lists for community input.  The status for each is to be measured against Incubation Process Exit Criteria.

Open Registry (INC-9)

Jonathan will follow up with Benn to get status.


Susan: INC-2 Weather Portlet and INC-5 Calendar Portlet

Cris: INC-8 WebProxy Portlet and INC-7 Functional Tests Portlet

Parker: INC-6 Bookmarks Portlet

Tim: INC-3 Announcements Portletand INC-4 Facebook Connect Portlet