call: (616) 347-8000, access code: 992610#

Regular monthly call

Attending: Susan Bramhall, Tim Carroll, Tuy Ly, Jonathan Markow
Absent: Cris Holdorph, Parker Grimes

September 15 was to be our first scheduled quarterly review of incubating projects but we are working on moving that meeting to Sep 22 to allow time to implement new licensing where possible.

Tasks from July

Checklists / JIRA Update


Next Steps

  1. ALL info into JIRA by Friday Sept 4.  This means we all copy / paste / update information we have gathered into new JIRA locations.  The categories for criteria that must be met show up as tab-like links across the page in both edit and view modes.  They only show up if there is data.  PLEASE enter a comment or even a question mark in each text box.  That will cause the whole checklist to display even if there is no progress on some items.
  2. Susan, Jonathan and Jen will talk to Jen about which portlets should be handled first.  We'll aim for next week.  Ideally, all bundled portlets should meet all incubation criteria.
  3. Schedule John L to talk with committee about what has to change for specific portlets - shoot for around Sep 8th after 2PM.
  4. IWG work with project leads on concrete steps for licensing implementation and other criteria to be met.
  5. Call on Sep 22 for quarterly review - actually release some officially Sponsored Portlets if possible.