Time: Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-486-7200 #167964
- Review old Action Items
- What to do about the Outlook web app documentation
- What to do with ClearPass
- EOL of CAS 3
- Unicon Cooperative Support
- SAML support in Java Client (Shib cross interest)
- Fluid collaboration
- Possible Contrib: Lotus Domino support
- Discuss high level vision
- CAS "info sheet"
- Positioning statement, vs I2 middleware, Sun, Oracle, etc
- List of offered contrib/clients includes
- .NET Client (Princeton, Virginia Tech)
- HTTP Form Connector (Martin Daur)
- Multi-LDAP (Université de Toulouse)
- Lotus Domino (LSU)
- ClearPass (Unicon, Sacramento State)
- After some confusing discussion around CASifying Outlook Web Access, it became clear that we should follow up with Andrew
- ClearPass
- The next step according to the RFC Process is to open discussion on cas-dev
- There was some discussion about who would "support" ClearPass and whether or not it should be more than contrib
- CAS 3 will remain supported for one year following the release of CAS 4
- Support probably means security and major bug fixes
- uPortal provide support for the current and prior releases, which works out to approximately one year
- Unicon has no CAS committers (unlike for uPortal), and will need to follow standard procedures to get commit access should they desire it for their new Cooperative Support for CAS
- Shib folks are (still) interested in there being a Jasig Java SAML client
- Fluid is interested in us being interested in them
- High level vision tabled to special call, tentatively set for 4/6 at 10:30
- Jonathan needs CAS info for an IBM briefing on Jasig
- Elections in July, nominations in June, new electees take seat in September
- Proposed change that SC may serve up to 3 consecutive full length terms and then must stand down, would require 2/3 vote
Action Items
- Benn: Create a wiki page to track what's where in the RFC process
- Benn: Schedule call with Andrew Petro to follow up on CASifying Outlook Web Access
- Benn: Post ClearPass to cas-dev
- Benn: Schedule next community call to discuss RFC items, steering committee updates
- Scott: Provide analysis on ClearPass
- Scott: Call John Lewis with respect to Unicon/Sacramento State support for ClearPass

- Benn: Draft end of support statement for CAS 3 in wiki for steering committee to review, then present to CAS list/community
- Scott: Provide Jonathan with some stats about CAS for an upcoming presentation

- Scott: Ping jasig-ue list for advice on CAS login page

- Eric: Look at login page draft conversion from table based layout to CSS
- Benn: Draft SC term change
- Scott: Poke around to see if anyone is interested in the subgroup lead positions, and/or in maintaining CAS 3.x
- Scott: Sort roadmap items into the groups identified in the agenda and find leads for each
- New Working Groups: Begin requirements gathering and prioritize decision
- ?: Propose clear text password feature as test of new development process