Detailed Minutes For the meeting are complete.
August 30-31, 2004
9 AM to 4 PM each day
Developers are encouraged to stay for the remainder of the week () for a coding session. A wireless internet connection will be available, but developers will need to bring their own laptops. The purpose of this coding session is to give developers a chance to work together in person on the coding of uPortal 2.x and uPortal 3.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
Al Wold Arizona State University
Dan Ellentuck Columbia University
John Fereira Cornell University
Michael Oltz Cornell University
Jim Thomas Indiana University
Jim Farmer instructional media + magic, inc. Sakai Educational Partners Program (SEPP)
Michael Ivanov instructional media + magic, inc.
Craig Counterman Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Michael De Simone the r•smart group, inc.
Dmitriy Kopylenko Rutgers University
Bill Thompson Rutgers University
Charles Severance Sakai Project
Mark Norton Sakai Educational Partners Program (SEPP)
Casey Dunn Stanford University
Daisy Flemming Stanford University
Mark Boyd SunGard SCT, Inc.
Mike Zackrison SunGard SCT, Inc.
Nick Bolton Unicon, Inc.
Eric Dalquist Unicon, Inc.
Peter Kharchenko Unicon, Inc.
Jason Lacy Unicon, Inc.
Ken Weiner Unicon, Inc.
David Haines University of Michigan
Nick Blair University of Wisconsin - Madison
Curt Ellmann University of Wisconsin - Madison
Susan Bramhall Yale University (monday only)
Howard Gilbert Yale University (tuesday only)
Andrew Petro Yale University
For questions about the meeting or meeting location, contact:
Eric Dalquist, 310-414-6760 x217