Attached is a zip file of the student schedule portlet used at the University of St. Francis in uPortal 2.5.2 which displays a student schedule from our Banner ERP system.
The primary component of the portlet queries sfrstcr to get the courses a student is registered for. It then loops through each course the student is in and gets additional details such as the instructor(s) from sirasgn, and meeting times from ssrmeet.
You'll notice that the portlet also does an insert into a table called activity_log. This is just our custom logging table where we insert the pidm of the currently logged in user, an event_code of every item rendered in our portal, and a description about what was rendered. This allows us to really analyze the usage of our portal, and join it to all of our banner data to look at trends by age, major, student type, or any other attribute in the system.
It requires a jdbc connection to the Banner database, called BannerDb, and it requires the pidm of the student to be obtainable by the portlet. The implementation details of how to do that are surely going to be different at each school. At USF, we had the students pidm stored in the workforceId attribute in Novell eDirectory, and our portal would grab that to use.
While we used this code in production for 3 years, I am sure any school consuming it would have to make modifications. Use it with the assumption that it will be a starting point for you, and you'll likely need to do some work to improve it.
The outer query to get the basic courses registered for from sfrstcr used within the portlet is:
SELECT sfr.sfrstcr_term_code as term_code, stv.stvterm_desc as term_desc, stv.stvterm_start_date as term_start_date, stv.stvterm_end_date as term_end_date, ptrm.sobptrm_start_date as sobptrm_start_date, ptrm.sobptrm_end_date as sobptrm_end_date, sfr.sfrstcr_crn as crn, sfr.sfrstcr_levl_code as levl_code, sfr.sfrstcr_credit_hr as credit_hr, sfr.sfrstcr_grde_code as grde_code, ssb.ssbsect_subj_code as subj_code, ssb.ssbsect_crse_numb as crse_numb, ssb.ssbsect_seq_numb as seq_numb, NVL(ssb.ssbsect_crse_title, scbcrse_title) as crse_title, sfr.sfrstcr_rsts_code as rsts_code FROM stvterm stv, sobptrm ptrm, scbcrse scb, ssbsect ssb, sfrstcr sfr WHERE sfr.sfrstcr_pidm = ? <sql:param value="${model.pidm}" /> AND stvterm_code = ? <sql:param value="${term.stvterm_code}" /> AND (sfr.SFRSTCR_ERROR_FLAG \!= 'F' OR sfr.SFRSTCR_ERROR_FLAG IS NULL) AND sfr.sfrstcr_term_code = stv.stvterm_code AND sfr.sfrstcr_rsts_code NOT IN ('DD') \--Dont get dropped or withdrawn courses AND sfr.sfrstcr_term_code = ptrm.sobptrm_term_code AND sfr.sfrstcr_ptrm_code = ptrm.sobptrm_ptrm_code AND sfr.sfrstcr_crn = ssb.ssbsect_crn AND sfr.sfrstcr_term_code = ssb.ssbsect_term_code AND ssb.ssbsect_subj_code = scb.scbcrse_subj_code AND ssb.ssbsect_crse_numb = scb.scbcrse_crse_numb AND scb.scbcrse_eff_term = ( SELECT max(scb1.scbcrse_eff_term) FROM scbcrse scb1 WHERE scb1.scbcrse_subj_code = ssb.ssbsect_subj_code AND scb1.scbcrse_crse_numb = ssb.ssbsect_crse_numb AND scb1.scbcrse_eff_term <= sfr.sfrstcr_term_code ) ORDER BY sfr.sfrstcr_term_code, ssb.ssbsect_subj_code, ssb.ssbsect_crse_numb |
Some things you will likely have to customize for your environment: