Bridge Info
3/22/2010 4:00 PM, US/Eastern
+1-734-615-7474 (Please use if you do not pay for Long Distance)
+1-866-411-0013 (toll free US/Canada Only)
0167481# (Participant Code)
- Review old action items
- Permissions API Data Structures and Operations
- findGroups/search filter
- Open questions
- IDLs
- REST API might be more useful for javascript queries, are we still considering RPC?
- Account Management API?
- Group API Data Structures and Operations
- Review Group API TODO
- What else before prototyping?
Action Items
- Chris: Revise Permissions API Data Structures and Operations
- permissionLookup -> resource, make terminology consistent with paccman
- Enumerate "common" permissions
- Benn: Update Group API Data Structures and Operations
- Drop privilege stuff
- All: Contemplate alternate proposals for findGroups() search syntax
- Keith: Proof of Concept Thrift spec
- Chris: Draft REST or POX API
- Benn and Tom Z: Figure out where to start with Provisioning API