This is mostly a 4.0+ concern but we'll add some notes at this stage.
We deploy to the sonatype repository which eventually puts stuff in maven central.
Read the instructions at
- Commit all your changes
You're presumably working on a SNAPSHOT version - commit anything that's outstanding.
Before doing so make sure the project pom.xml corresponds t all the rquirements. bw-util, bw-webdav are a couple of examples. - Execute this:
mvn release:clean release:prepare - Then - assuming that works
mvn release:perform
- All sorts of activity ensues. Assuming a success message:
- Head over to and log in.
- Click on "Staging repositories" and find the orgbedework entry
- Click on "close" - the uploaded repository will be validated
- If it fails - delete it and fix your source and repeat from the release step above.
- If it succeds then click on "promote"