Set Calendar Suite Preferences
In the Administrative Client, under the Calendar Suite tab, you'll find Manage Preferences. Click there and examine the options.  They are:
- Preferred view. You can change if from All to one of your other views.Â
- Preferred view period.  Busy sites often change this to day to keep the list of events from growing too long.
- Default Categories. You can hide unused categories here.
- Preferred time type. AM/PM or 24 hour time.
- Preferred end date/time type: This controls the default behavior when creating events.  After the start time is entered, either an event duration field or an time/date end time field is presented to the user. The user can also switch to the non-default behavior at event creation time.
- Default timezone:Â Set your time zone here.
Bedework Enterprise Calendar, version 3.8