The Bedework Addressbook Client
Bedework's Address Book client is a stand-alone JavaScript client. It can be directly invoked (by default at, but is more typically invoked from within the personal client by clicking on Contacts.
Configuring the Bedework Addressbook Client
The Bedework Addressbook client may be connected to multiple vcard data sources. As shipped it makes three connections to Bedework's CardDAV server: to the individual's personal addressbook, to a "public people" addressbook , and to a "public locations" addressbook.
To configure the client, visit
<quickstart>/bedework-cardav/clients/javascript/bwAddbookClient/config/config.js (source)
<quickstart>/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/ROOT.war/bwAddrbookClient/config/config.js (deployed application)