201001 - uPortal Steering Committee

uPortal 3.2 Release

If it is released before press time, insert the announcement.

February uPortal Community Call

The next uPortal Community Call is scheduled for February 18th, 1:00pm EST.

Once again, the call will be in the form of a webinar, which will be hosted by The Johns Hopkins University.


  • uPortal 3.2.  Details of the 3.2 release, including uPortal's mobile theme, will be discussed
  • We will present features planned for the uPortal 3.3 release
  • In the first of a series of planned online demos, The Johns Hopkins Information Technology group will give us a walk-through of  their enterprise portal
  • Questions and discussion will follow the presentation

Details for connecting to the webinar will follow in early February.

Future uPortal Community Calls

We invite you to share your work with the uPortal community by volunteering to present a short online demo of your institution's portal. 

Or, if you have developed a portlet that has been particularly useful on your campus, please offer to show that to us, as well. 

Finally, we are looking for schools that are able to host future online webinars.  If you think your facilities might accommodate us, please let us know!

Send your email to uportal-steering-committee at lists.jasig.org. 

uPortal Opportunities at the Spring Conference

The 10th Anniversary Jasig Conference in San Diego March 7-10 is full of uPortal-related offerings. There are half-day seminars on uPortal implementation, migration to uPortal 3, portlet development, uPortal for mobile devices, and using jQuery and Fluid Infusion. In addition, over a dozen sessions will cover portal-related topics including the following:

  • Developing with Spring Portlet MVC, Struts, jQuery, Fluid Infusion
  • WebServices and portlets
  • Content Management, Help Desk,
  • Managing uPortal environments
  • uPortal Roadmap
  • Portal planning

This is a great opportunity to advance your skills and see innovative techniques that others are using. There will be plenty of opportunities to spend face-to-face time with your peers from other universities and take back valuable information you can use in your own portal development.

And don't forget the three great keynote speakers:

  • "We Have Open Source. Now what?"
    Gregory A. Jackson, Vice President for Policy and Analysis at Educause
  • "The Apache Software Foundation: No Jerks Allowed"
    Justin Erenkrantz, President of the Apache Software Foundation
  • ""Open Source, Cloud Computing and the Future of Innovation""
    Rod Johnson, Founder of the Spring Framework Project

See the complete program at

We hope to see you there!