Time: Thursday, August 26 @ 12:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am Central) (9:00 am Arizona)
(Rescheduled from Monday August 23 @ noon Eastern, due to conference call line quality / connectivity / technical issues experienced in trying to run that meeting)
Conference Bridge: (641) 715-3200 640123#
Note Taker:
- Roll Call; Choose Note Taker
- Thanks to Outgoing Members
- Welcome New Members
- Prior Action Items
- Developer Call
- Documentation (Briefly discuss Documentation Stewardship Group)
- Community Call
- Meet Ups
- Server Status
- 3.5
- Potential Integration with 3rd Party
- Unicon's Help with the UI
- Clients
- OWA Support / .NET Client
- Yale CAS Client is still hanging around
- UnConference
- Jasig Sustainability (bringing value to Jasig CAS users to entice them to become members)
- Leveraging things like Spring Security book with CAS support in it.
- Choose Steering Committee Chair