Preparing Bedework for production involves copying configuration files, modifying them for your site, and building Bedework. Bedework uses ant for the build and deploy process and a number of property files are used to control that process.
The steps, in simple terms are as follows:
- Copy the entirety of <quickstart>/bedework/config/bwbuild to the home directory of the user building the system.
- Copy an appropriate configuration directory for your use, e.g. copy bwbuild/jboss-postgresql to bwbuild/myconfig
- Add any overrides to bwbuild/myconfig/ -- copy in text from bwbuild/.defaults/ as needed (but don't overwrite the property!)
- Copy bwbuild/.defaults/cal.options.xml to bwbuild/myconfig/cal.options.xml
The pages that follow explain these steps and options you can use to set up your configuration.