Build Fluid
ant customBuild -Dexclude=jQuery,jQueryUICore,jQueryUIWidgets -Djsfilename="fluid-all-1.2.1.js" -DnoMinify=true
Locate unminified build resources
The new Fluid javascript and css resources can generally be found in the "products" directory in a build zip file. In 1.1.x versions of Fluid, the unminified JS resource may need to be collected from the "src" zip file. The unified javascript resource should be at the root of the build file, while the FSS resources will likely be in the "framework" directory.
Copy resources into resource server
A new directory should be added to resource-server/resource-server-content/src/main/webapp/rs/fluid, with the following format:
- fluid
- version (e.g. 1.2.1)
- js
- fluid-all-version.js (e.g. fluid-all-1.2.1.js)
- fss
- css
- <individual css files>
- images
- <images and theme directories>
- css
- js
- version (e.g. 1.2.1)
Create FSS framework file
We also use a custom FSS aggregation file to decrease the number of CSS imports in the main theme. A file named fss-framework-<version>.css should be created by combining (in order) fss-reset.css, fss-layout.css, and fss-text.css. For example, from the directory resource-server/resource-server-content/src/main/webapp/rs/fluid/1.2.1/fss/css:
cat fss-reset-global.css fss-base-global.css fss-layout.css fss-text.css > fss-framework-1.4.0.css