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[12:11:18 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i'm having a portlet design issue w/ the calendar/news portlets, if anyone is feeling opinionated
[12:23:42 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> i'm definitely opinionated.
[12:23:55 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> but I can't promise that defect will help you out in any way.
[12:33:07 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> well, it might
[12:33:57 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> so basically the calendar and news reader portlet currently share data for a user between all portlet instances
[12:34:15 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> this is great when that's what an institution wants
[12:34:25 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> but you might plausibly instead want all portlets to contain different data
[12:34:40 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> so a user could make a news portlet full of institutional stuff, and another instance with different feeds
[12:35:01 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> eric and i had talked about accomplishing this by saving the set id in the portlet preferences
[12:35:19 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> so you'd get a set created for that portlet, and then the id for it would get saved in the preferences
[12:35:41 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> this is great in theory, but of course the first time the portlet's called, it's a render request, which means you can't save anything to the portlet preferences
[12:36:22 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> i guess we could just create a default set and not store it to the database, and wait until the user adds/removes feeds to actually store the set and the associated preferences
[12:36:58 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> but that makes this progressively more irritating and complicated
[12:37:07 EDT(-0400)] * colinclark (n=colin@bas1-toronto09-1279336033.dsl.bell.ca) has joined ##uportal
[12:37:29 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> and i could see us running into problems w/ that approach in the future, since we might move some of the editing features to ajax screens, and then there's no access to the preferences there either
[12:39:42 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> aw i scared colin away
[12:48:47 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> I'm not sure I understand why the ajax work would impact the approach you mention.
[12:53:02 EDT(-0400)] * apetro-_ (n=apetro@wsip-98-174-242-39.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined ##uportal
[12:54:02 EDT(-0400)] <athena7> well