[00:12:24 EDT(-0400)] * Sememmon (~Sememmon@unaffiliated/sememmon) has joined ##uportal
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[06:39:11 EDT(-0400)] * Topic is 'http://uportal.pastebin.com/ - http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/UPC/uportal+IRC+Logs' set by EricDalquist on 2008-02-27 12:32:13 EST(-0500)
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[11:26:15 EDT(-0400)] <awills> excellent work on the flyout/JS issue athena!
[11:26:23 EDT(-0400)] <athena> thanks
[11:26:25 EDT(-0400)] <athena> did that work?
[11:26:35 EDT(-0400)] <awills> haven't tested it yet... but I have a good feeling
[11:26:44 EDT(-0400)] <awills> i have to prep my mPower this morning
[11:27:16 EDT(-0400)] <holdorph> does that involve protein powder or something?
[11:27:23 EDT(-0400)] <athena> lol
[11:27:35 EDT(-0400)] <awills> heh