[05:47:24 CST(-0600)] <ajan> Hi, anyone here now?
[05:47:24 CST(-0600)] <ajan> I have a new problem with trunk - portlets work, but rich configuration does not work - fails with a kind of NPE. The problem rises exactly at the moment of clicking on the "Edit rich configuration" link. http://uportal.pastebin.com/yrhcN8Yx
[09:46:11 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> morning folks
[09:46:18 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> hello
[09:46:51 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> hey is parker still the maintainer/point of contact for the weather portlet?
[09:47:11 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> not sure
[09:47:24 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> https://wiki.jasig.org/display/PLT/Weather+Portlet
[09:47:41 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> looks like dustin, jen, parker, & brad are all listed
[09:49:34 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> I forgot what it was called but didn't jasig do a portlet incubation project and accepted the weather portlet? I remember susan working on it. I thought they set up a point of contact when they did that.
[09:49:55 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> yup
[09:49:59 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> and those are the people listed there
[09:50:10 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> incubated projects have at least 2 contacts
[09:50:26 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> I got an email from AccuWeather this morning that the weather portlet feed is being access over 100k a day and it's no longer acceptable usage
[09:51:18 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> lol
[09:51:24 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> well that's annoying
[09:51:39 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> considering we were pretty explicit about that
[09:54:12 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> did they have any suggestions for resolutions?
[09:55:25 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> i wonder what the cost is to pay them. I mean if it was in the 'reasonable' vicinity, maybe jasig could pay for it. doubtful, but i have no idea what they'd charge
[09:57:14 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> Here's the email:
[09:57:17 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> "I am contacting you in regards to the feed we allowed you to use. You are accessing the feed over 100,000 times daily and this is no longer acceptable usage. What are you using the content for? We will be reviewing each feed near the end of the week to determine what should remain active and what feeds should be terminated. Please get back to me when you have a chance."
[09:57:43 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> I just spoke to Parker and I've forwarded the email on to him
[09:57:47 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ok
[09:57:59 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> who set up the original relationship with accuweather?
[09:57:59 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> I think it'd be reasonable to assume that jasig could build a relationship with them
[09:58:03 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> is he going to be in contact with them?
[09:58:30 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> If it's being hit 100k a day, that easily drives traffic to their site
[09:58:43 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> since the portlet has a link and logo to accuweather
[09:59:18 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> holdorph, I was the one to set up the original relationship although I can't remember the name of the individual I had conversions with. I'll have to look
[09:59:24 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> sure, but some of it comes down to how the relationship with them was originally explained
[09:59:52 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> did they realize that it would be a public library of code that many different universities could download and put on their site that many different students could access?
[10:00:08 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> i mean, all told, 100k seems kind of low considering the usage that portlet could be seeing right now
[10:00:38 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> Yes, I explained to them that it was part of an open source project used by universities. Let me see if I can find the emails.
[10:00:52 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> right well it does to pretty inteligent shared caching of weather data
[10:00:55 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> EricDalquist, checking with parker, hold on
[10:02:02 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> EricDalquist, yes, parker will continue contact with them
[10:02:10 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> https://source.jasig.org/portlets/WeatherPortlet/trunk/termsofuse.txt
[10:02:14 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> great
[10:04:43 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> looks like the default config is to cache weather data for 15 minutes
[10:04:46 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> searches for 6 hours
[10:10:47 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> impossible to find clear pricing on their site, but I did find this tidbit in their forums
[10:10:48 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> http://forums.accuweather.com/index.php?showtopic=10523
[10:10:54 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> Original point of contact was Michael Sylvie
[10:11:39 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> I doubt Jasig is going to get away with paying $250 / year, to cover all universities.
[10:17:42 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> So parker is contact with them and will let you know how they respond.
[10:18:03 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> I have to get back to some coding
[10:18:20 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> great, thanks dustin_
[10:18:26 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> good seeing you on IRC again
[10:20:24 CST(-0600)] <dustin_> ya, you too, hope things are well
[10:51:26 CST(-0600)] <athena> holy crap dustin was here
[10:52:41 CST(-0600)] <athena> probably good to make sure that they know that all that usage is coming from a whole pile of actual customers
[10:53:39 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> 'customers' ?
[10:53:42 CST(-0600)] <athena> wel
[10:53:46 CST(-0600)] <athena> not customers
[10:53:50 CST(-0600)] <athena> you know what i mean
[10:53:55 CST(-0600)] * athena needs coffee
[10:54:23 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> i do, but i also think it's reasonable that they need money to provide for things like server bandwidth servers, etc.
[10:54:58 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> we're not showing ad's that generate them revenue in the weather portlet.
[10:55:15 CST(-0600)] <athena> we do have the logo and a link
[10:55:38 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> right, but why would someone click on that? they have all the data they need without clicking on it.
[10:55:46 CST(-0600)] <athena> but yes, they may decide they don't want to host it anymore
[10:57:26 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> maybe parker can do a webex with them and demonstrate how it's being used. and get options from them based on knowing what it really is.
[11:01:48 CST(-0600)] <athena> either way, hope they let us keep using it
[11:02:09 CST(-0600)] <athena> there are several other weather feeds, but theirs is by far the best technically
[11:02:20 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> though that's a little sad
[11:02:29 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> since their XML data doesn't actually follow their XSD
[11:02:35 CST(-0600)] <athena> lol
[11:02:38 CST(-0600)] <athena> that is unfortunate
[11:04:07 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[11:04:12 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I wanted to switch it to JAXB
[11:04:24 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> but that doesn't work so well when the XSD doesn't really mean anything
[11:27:33 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> well, that makes sense. someone stole the feed url. bummer.
[11:28:14 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ?
[11:28:26 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> parker just emailed 3 (at least) of the lists
[11:28:31 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ah ok
[11:31:10 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> ouch
[11:31:23 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> yeah not sure how we make that work with a non-public URL
[11:36:04 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> i replied on portlet-dev. I think we'll have to change the 'out of the box' experience to using mock version of the service.
[11:36:20 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> then control/restrict who can get access to the real url in some way.
[11:42:33 CST(-0600)] <athena> i just don't think we can have a shared URL that won't ever leak out
[11:42:38 CST(-0600)] <athena> just not very realistic
[11:45:42 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> yeah
[11:45:50 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> I just emailed accuweather asking for a UW specific URL
[11:46:18 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> if they can do that we may just have to change the portlet a bit
[11:46:25 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> well that's true for even institution specific urls
[11:46:43 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> have it display some mock data with a message about how to contact accuweather for a feed URL
[11:46:54 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> they could all leak, it's just a matter of the audience that has access to it.
[11:47:23 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> think about how many people would bother to visit a uportal-confluence restricted page, for that URL.
[11:49:07 CST(-0600)] <holdorph> anyway, the bottom line is, it can't ship 'working' out of the box any more.
[11:49:20 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> right
[11:51:59 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> just got an email back from accuweather developers
[11:52:03 CST(-0600)] <EricDalquist> Hi, Eric. I wish I could provide this to you. AccuWeather has suspended its free API for developers indefinitely, and it's unclear to me when they plan on restoring this. Â Have you seen Yahoo's free weather API? http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/