We would like to ask the community to select from three different options. The options we should them would not contain "4" in them (as in uPortal version 4). The "4" version would be rolled out when v4 is released.
Version 1
The current logo. We would also create a v4 version by appending a stylized 4 to it.
Version 2
Something like this. Not sure if there are any changes we need for it. We would also create a v4 version by appending a stylized 4 to it.
Version 3
Something with a 3D sphere. Use a "classic" style font (as referenced at http://fontfeed.com/archives/the-logos-of-web-20/). Maybe add glossy type effects. Maybe see how the sphere looks if it is more behind the word. Maybe they could do something creative with the sphere and textures, like a 3D puzzle sphere or something. Maybe increase the font size.
If you look at Liferay's logo it's a square that contains other squares. Maybe we can have "stuff" coming out of our sphere.The sphere could become the favicon too.
Perhaps have the word "Portal" in a glossy bubble (as in the "Tube" in youTube) then having the "u" in front of it and the "4" behind it.
- A "version 3" that we can include in our community poll.
- After our poll, a final version of our selected choice with and without the "4"
- A style guide for use of the logo
- Versions that work on light and dark backgrounds.
- Versions appropriate for print and the web
- Small thumbnail sized version (e.g Facebook profile size)
- favicon size