Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Adding profile stanza for skipping Java8 doclint


Code Block
# Insure you have no changed files or files that are not being tracked
$ git status
# git stash if need be.  If you have files not being tracked, those should be added first to have the stash
#           remove from from the file system.
$ git checkout master
$ git pull upstream master
# Optional, check for updated dependencies
mvn versions:display-dependency-updates

# Verify project builds properly
$ mvn clean install license:check notice:check javadoc:javadoc
# fix any issues
# javadoc:  Building with Java 8 often reports javadoc issues that did not occur when building with Java 7.
#           It's strongly discouraged but for Java 8 javadocs issues, you can consider whether it is reasonable
#           to add '-Xdoclint:none' as specified at the following to not run Xdoclint
#           Update: This did not work for me.  The javadoc seemed to run twice. The first time OK and the second with errors
#           despite mvn help:effective-pom showing that every merged instance had -Xdoclint:none set.
#           Here is an approach that sets the parameter based on a profile activated when using Java 8+:
#                    <profiles>
#                        <profile>
#                            <id>disable-java8-doclint</id>
#                            <activation>
#                                <jdk>[1.8,)</jdk>
#                            </activation>
#                            <properties>
#                                <additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam>
#                            </properties>
#                        </profile>
#                    </profiles>
# license:  If you get many error about license headers, the headers may have changed (this happened when Jasig
#           became Apereo). Execute the command 'mvn license:format' to replace existing license headers with
#           new license headers and commit the result.  To update notices, run 'mvn notice:generate'.
# if need be, do git commit -m "NOJIRA pre-release prep"

$ mvn release:clean
$ mvn release:prepare

# Temporary: Verify maven release steps are committed.  Look for commits like
# [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
# [maven-release-plugin] prepare release jasig-widget-portlets-2.1.4
# If not present:
# - commit the change seen in
# - If the tag was pushed to upstream, you'll have to delete the local tag using the command 'git tag -d <tagname>' 
#   and the remote tag using the command 'git push upstream :refs/tags/<tagname>'.  Then re-run mvn release:perform.
git log

# release:perform uploads artifacts to Sonatype
$ mvn release:perform

# In Sonatype Staging Repository:
# - Select repository and close it. Wait a bit and refresh.
# - Validate artifacts on Sonatype and release artifacts.

# Release is complete.  
# If you have multiple repositories and origin is not the Jasig repository, 
# you need to push commits to upstream to push the commits and the tag.
git push upstream master
git push upstream <tagname>
