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cat fss-reset-global.css fss-base-global.css fss-layout.css fss-text.css > fss-framework-1.4.0.css |
Fluid 1.5
Build Fluid
Install the pre-requisites (node.js, grunt-cli) as noted in the readme file in Infusion https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion.
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# download and install node.js. If need be, create links to insure you have npm and node executable from the command line.
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
# Install additional pre-requisites
npm install
grunt custom --exclude="jQuery,jQueryUICore,jQueryUIWidgets" --source=true |
- infusion/infusion-custom.js
- infusion/framework/fss/css/*
- infusion/framework/fss/images/*
Create FSS framework file
We also use a custom FSS aggregation file to decrease the number of CSS imports in the main theme. A file named fss-framework.css should be created by combining (in order) fss-reset.css, fss-layout.css, and fss-text.css. For example, from the directory resource-server/resource-server directory structure as noted in the fluid 1.4 documentation -content/src/main/webapp/rs/fluid/1.5.0/fss/css:
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cat fss-reset-global.css fss-base-global.css fss-layout.css fss-text.css > fss-framework.css |
Create Resource Server structure
A new directory should be added to resource-server/resource-server-content/src/main/webapp/rs/fluid, with the following format:
- fluid
- version (e.g. 1.5.0)
- js
- fluid-custom.js (renamed from infusion-custom.js)
- fss
- css
- <individual css files>
- images
- <images and theme directories>
- css
- js
- version (e.g. 1.5.0)
Create the resource server directory structure above and copy the resources into the appropriate locations with the version # 1.5.0. Also create the fss-framework.css file.