Versions Compared


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Code Block
*** When running a database initialization ant target (initportal, initdb), you need to specify SSP_CONFIGDIR if it isn't already specified as an env var. 

E.g on *nix.... $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean <target> 

Most Common Commands

- Re/Initialize the SSP-Platform database, then run the equivalent of deploy- Build entire uPortal (incl. all wars), deploy entire uPortal, ant deploy-earear. Destructive! Appropriate for first-time deployments.

  $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean initportal

- Build the full site and database, ant initportal (Warning- this will reset the entire uPortal database)

Other deployment optionsand deploy entire SSP-Platform portal, including SSP:

  $> SSP_CONFIGDIR=/opt/ssp/sspconfig ant -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean deploy-ear

Other commonly used ant targets:

testdb: Tests the database settings and connectivity

initdb: Drop uPortalSSP-Platform tables in the db & recreate them with configured seed data (src/main/data, not including the "quickstart" folder).

deploy-war: Build & deploy _just the uPortalSSP-Platform war_ (i.e. not SSP or other portlets, etc.).

deployPortletApp: Deploy one (already-built) portlet war file to Tomcat (example ant deploPortletApp -DportletApp=..\/SSP-Open-Source-Project/target/ssp.war)
This command will download the SSP .war file and bundle it into the output of the SSP-Platform build



  • Additional step for Microsoft SQL Server to update column types


6. Production Deployment Tips

  • Warning
    titleDelete Demo Users

    If you are deploying to upgrading a production environment, you should delete or change the passwords for the uPortal users created for demonstration purposes, including the admin user. This can be done through the user interface: Manage Users ->  Find an Existing User -> [Enter user ID from list below] -> [Click result] -> Delete or  or Edit, then change password. Demo users:


    • advisor0
    • ken
    • student0
    • student1

    This is only necessary for upgrades. A fresh 2.4.1 install will not create these users.

    A fresh install should also either change the admin user's password or add some other user to the Portal Administrators group and delete the admin user.

If anything in it is incorrect or unclear, please leave a comment below.
