[11:25:58 CDT(-0500)] <dmccallum54> a POST to /print is a printable payload
[11:26:43 CDT(-0500)] <dmccallum54> (/print takes a complete template JSON object and prints it - we do this b/c you have to be able to print an unsaved template)
[11:27:32 CDT(-0500)] <dmccallum54> a POST to /email generates an email. it also takes a complete template JSON object. the response is just a dummy confirmation string
[11:28:43 CDT(-0500)] Wiki Markup <dmccallum54> the /{id} resource also accepts a PUT, which is an update. the request payload is the proposed new state of the template
[11:28:57 CDT(-0500)] Wiki Markup <dmccallum54> and /{id} also accepts a DELETE
[11:29:35 CDT(-0500)] <dmccallum54> and there's /validate, which accepts a POST of an arbitrary template JSON object to be validated and returns a marked up template JSON object
[11:29:39 CDT(-0500)] <dmccallum54> that's it