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Code Block
# Print computed flags after startup

# Memory Configuration
-server -d64                   # switch to 64bit server mode
-Xms4096m                      # Set initial heap sizes
-Xmx4096m                      # Set max heap size
-XX:NewSize=2048m              # Set initial new size to 1/2 the initial heap
-XX:MaxNewSize=2048m           # Specify the max new size, generally allow the JVM to use up to 1/2 the max heap
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=250       # GC Pauses up to 250ms aren't bad, have ergonomics try and keep pauses below this level
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC        # Force CMS for the collector
-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode        # Use incremental mode since minor CPU overhead is better than potential pauses. Useful if system has 1 or 2 processors.
-XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary     # Lets the JVM adjust the young/old ratio

#-XX:+UseParNewGC              # ParNewGC is the default when using the CMS collector
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled  # Enable perm-gen class unloading (needed with UseConcMarkSweepGC to GC PermGen)

# Set a large enough perm gen.  You can track how much you are using with jvisualvm, jconsole, or looking at the output in gc.log

Java 8 has deprecated option '-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode' and based on my reading it was created for single or dual proc systems to relinquish the processor periodically (see  With modern multi-CPU and multi-core architectures it doesn't seem to me the option is needed.  However I have not seen any load testing that verifies that assumption (anyone willing to check it out?) so I have currently left the option in as recommended but I strongly suspect it should be removed.

JVM Logging Options

The JVM can be configured to log details about garbage collection and classloading that may be helpful when analyzing portal performance.  It is also recommended for production systems.  It can be analyzed using

Code Block
# GC Logging

# Optional Classloading Logging


Networks and target systems can be unreliable.  A significant use of the portal is to consume data from other systems and present it to the user.  To guard against network or dependent system (databases, RSS feeds, RESTful services, etc.) issues, socket connections must have a timeout to prevent a portal or portlet worker thread from hanging indefinitely.  Though most portal and portlet code defines socket connection timeouts to guard against hanging indefinitely, it is recommended to also define some JVM-wide settings to protect all external connections.  For an Oracle JVM you do this with the following.  Adjust values to suit your preferences.

Code Block
# Set connection timeout values to insure a poorly performing target system doesn't cause portlet or DB threads to hang



Additional Resources

Misc Notes

One site reported having -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false caused a calendar RSS connection to an https URL to return " Connection reset". Seems like it should not but removing that option fixed their issue.

titleHaving problems with these instructions?

Please send us feedback at